Chapter 14: Starry night

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After another Snow ball fight, the sun slowly began to set and the two decided to settle in for the night.

"Aspiro!" (Y/N) shouted, as a sudden wind blew away the snow in the surrounding area. Leaving a patch of dry ground for the two to lay on. Despite everything that had happened, (Y/N) was glad they were able to memorize as many spells as they could from their father.

Runaan, being the skilled elf man he was, chopped down some logs in order to make a camp fire. While (Y/N) gathered anything dry they could use to help fuel the fire. Finally the two wished the other goodnight before falling asleep and settling in for the night.

The next day the two successfully made it out of the snowy forest and continued their walk to Xadia. The two had reached another mountain to climb up. Just like before (Y/N) climbed on Runaan's back and the two made their way to the top.

Runaan did one final leap and (Y/N) hopped down, but suddenly they freeze in horror. Runaan sighed as he brushed off the dust before looking towards (Y/N) who still wore the scared expression.

"Are you okay?" The Irish voice asked, before looking in the direction that the child was looking. Instead of a winter wonderland like the previous hill they climbed on. The forest ahead of them looked like something out of a nightmare. Even though it was broad day light, you couldn't see anything inside the forest with your own eyes. It was so dark and unexplainable noises of chittering and animal sounds rang through the area even though the two weren't even in the forest yet.

(Y/N) shook their head, "There has to be another way around! We cannot go through that forest."

Runaan sighed, "We have to. There is no other way."

(Y/N) shook their head again, this time more frantic, "But it's so dark. You can't see anything. I-I can't." The child then crouched down as they began to cry. Sure (Y/N) had gone through a lot but they still had the emotions of a child and just like a lot of children, they had a fear of the dark.

Runaan followed (Y/N) to the ground and gently pat their (H/C) and white head, "Hey, it's okay. I will be right with you and we will get through the forest. I will protect you no matter what."

(Y/N) sniffed as they whipped their eyes, "Ok..." They whispered.

Runaan let out a small smile before standing up, wrapping his four fingered hand around the humans hand. (Y/N) hesitantly stood up before the two began to walk through the entrance of the dark forest. Luckily it was still sun out so the two were still able to slightly see the path ahead of them. Although (Y/n) and Runaan didn't see anything dangerous, it didn't mean they couldn't hear anything dangerous.

The chittering and howling they heard before were much louder now that the two were inside the forest. With the two travelers only having one hand available, the two stayed on extremely high alert incase any sound or noise grew closer to the two.

(Y/N)'s heart beat rapidly as the two further ventured out. Each noise making them jump and tighten their grip around the elf's hand. So much so Runaan winced feeling the familiar pains as he did when the blood ribbon around his arm was squeezing the appendage.

A shadow flashed by making the two halt their walking. "What was that?" (Y/N) whispered.

"I don't know. But let's keep moving." Runaan whispered back.

(Y/N) gulped as the two continued their way forward through the dark forest. Once again, a flash raced by them making (Y/N) fully scream this time.

"Okay. What was that?!" (Y/N) said, louder. Runaan crouched down gently grabbed (Y/N) by the shoulders.

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