Magna Swing's Victory

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Magna Swing. A boy who was once a delinquent in his home village of Rayaka Village who was then turned into a member of the Black Bulls when he turned 15, which was an impressive feat for someone who is a commoner.

In the world where Magic is everything, Magna was a commoner in the Forsaken Realm, and commoners have lower amounts of mana than that of the Royals and Nobles and the fact that he managed to become one was a massive feat with a low amount of mana.

Even though he was clearly the weakest member of the Black Bulls, they didn't make fun of him for anything or that he was weak, in fact he was accepted by the group almost immediately and that was the day he got to wear his robe.

He didn't know what exactly Captain Yami wanted of all people to join his squad, but he can tell that he had a good reason for it.

It didn't take long for him to get a friend, his very first friend in fact, Luck Voltia, who while he was extremely annoying, he did care for him and he can tell that the feeling was mutual between him and Luck, but he can still feel like his strength wasn't the same as the others.

Sure he went on missions with everyone in the group and they all had a great time hanging out and even calling each other family, but there was something in him that didn't feel right with him, or with his power.

That all changed when a commoner with no magic at all whose greatest strength is that he doesn't have any magic was recruited by Yami, Asta. In the very instance he saw him, he wanted to test him out to see if he was worthy to join the Black Bulls and after losing to him, he didn't resent him in the slightest, instead he was glad that he got in the Black Bulls and even gladly showed him the place.

Heck, another joined the Black Bulls, a royal in fact by the name of Noelle Silva, who had trouble controlling her magic which wasn't a problem at all for them since they were the worst of the worst, so why should they judge her? While Magna was envy of her magic power and mana, he never had any negative feelings towards her, even though she was rather annoying with her 'royal' status.

But he later found out how outclassed he was in the fight against Heath, a man with Ice Magic who should've been an easy victory for him since he had Fire Magic but he was outclassed in everything, and the only way that they won was using his magic as a decoy so Asta could hit them with his Demon-Slayer Sword. He was supposed to their superior and he should've tried to encourage them into getting stronger, not the other way around!

And what really hit him hard, was that he was late to save Seihi, a man that was the chief of Saussy Village that helped him be the man that is today. He was late. The man that he could call a father figure to him, died. He felt worthless.

Like a useless shell. He gripped his hand into a ball. He needed to get stronger to protect people, but that wasn't the case.

Case in point, the Underground Temple, where they were in a Battle Royale until a member of The Eye Of The Midnight Sun's Third Eye, Vetto, crashed in and even though Luck and Magna tried their hardest to beat this guy, and even creating a Combination Magic: Flame-Lightning Explosive Cannon, it merely scratched Vetto as they were knocked out even though they tried their hardest to beat this guy, but it wasn't enough. It was never enough, not even his raw guts.

To add insult to the wound, they were the only ones that were knocked out from the Black Bulls as the rest of them with the combination of Vanessa's Thread Magic, Finral's Spatial Magic and Asta's Anti-Magic, it was enough for them to win and even Yami getting a new spell by the name of Dark Magic: Dark Cloaked Dimensional Slash.

He felt like trash. That he and Luck were nothing in the grand scheme of things. Like they didn't even matter. He gritted his teeth as even when they went into a dungeon to find a cure for Asta's arms, like again, it didn't matter.

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