The King's Humilation

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At the annual star festival in the Clover Kingdom, the King Augustus Kira Clover XIII was trying his best not to smack two commoners.

Apparently, the two mages, Yuno and Asta, were the ones to earn the most amount of Stars and even make that foreigner's Squad come in second place and not the Silver Eagles or Crimson Lion Kings.

Julius had to announce that the Purple Orcas and Crimson Lion Kings have new captains, Kaiser and Mereolena Vermillion, while he had to talk about the idea of the Royal Knights, with Julius helping him half of the time.

But whenever he spoke he could hear the two commoners talking smack about him, with one of the commener's Spirit was talking about how much of an idiot he was for needing the Wizard King's help for something so important, which Yuno actually agreed with her.

As he finished the speech, he could hear both of them still talking smack about him, probably talking about how unimportant he is.

That made him snap, "That's it!" He yelled as he jumped down the platform as everyone could see the clear anger on his face.

"I had enough of you two being disrespectful towards the King, and how much you think you are better than me!" Yuno opened his mouth, but Kira stopped him, "So I am going to make an example out of both of you in which everyone will know that they should respect me and only me!"

Yuno and Asta looked at each other and shrugged as they took out their Grimoire, as the King took his own Grimoire.

The Magic Knight Captains decided not to step in this as they want to see if he can actually fight.

Julius sighed as he knew what was going to happen.

Yami grinned as he took out a bowl of popcorn, "This will be good."

The King created a massive statue made out of his Light Magic...only to be destroyed by Asta's Anti-Magic as his back was turned back towards the King.

"Well that was disappointing." Said Yuno as Bell hmphed, knowing that it won't be worth it to use their new form.

"Yeah, tell me about it." Said Asta as the King threw his staff at him, and thanks to his teachings of Ki thanks to Yami, Asta immediately turned around and parried that staff towards the King.

"Pleb." He said as the staff hit him on his head.

The two rivals looked at each other and they then began charging at the King.

It was the most one sided ass whopping anyone has ever seen. Asta and Yuno were shredding the King in that fight as nothing he could do could save him from this fight.

Julius brushed off Marx telling that he will only stop when this is necessary, which will be soon.

Yami and the rest of the Black Bulls decided to sit down and watch this fight as they continued to eat popcorn with each other.

Patri in William's head cheered for the commoners as he wanted revenge from the humans, and this is one of the best ways to watch it unfold.

Yuno picked the King by his shirt, "Hey, Asta?"

"Hmm?" Asked Asta.

"Have you ever played baseball with a human before?" He asked as Asta turned his head sideways.

"No, I don't think so, wh- Wait I get it." He grinned as he readied his sword like a baseball bat as his best friend threw the King at him.

Kiato and Kahono were in awe at seeing two siblings perform at the same time in almost perfect harmony.

Sekke thought this was a bah-ahsome show as he was eating Yami's grilled squid.

Charlotte was too drunk to even lift her head, but Sol began explaining every move and spell.

Marx was thinking at how much time this will take Owen for healing the King, but from the looks of it, it will take a lot of time.

Yuno and Asta were getting kind of bored of beating his ass, so they thought that they would give him a fair shot and close their books for a fair fight.

As it turns out, this was even more one sided as The King proceeded to get jumped Jujutsu Kaisen style, with Asta teaching Yuno how to properly throw a punch in the middle of it.

The Captains did nothing as they watched all of this unfold with them cheering for the two.

"Chips?" Asked Mereolena to Nozel as he nodded and took some.

"Sure, thanks." He said.

The Golden Dawn thought to themselves that they need to get stronger than before because of someone like these two who got this strong over a couple of months.

The citizens are placing with each other to see who will cause the most amount of damage to the King, and from the looks of it, it will be close.

But then, Asta asked one question that changed this event for everyone, "Hey, Yuno. Have you ever heard of a purple nurple?"

"Okay, that is it." Said Julius as he wrapped behind all of them and trapped the two in a time bubble.

Everyone booed the Wizard King.

Bell, Kiato, Kahono, Charlotte, Sol, Sekke, the citizens, the Black Bulls, Yami, the Golden Dawn, Patri and even the Magic Knight Captains.

"Get off the stage!" Yelled Magna as he threw a tomato at Wizard King which missed.

"It was just getting to the good part." Complained Nozel.

"Look, citizens of the Clover Kingdom, I know you are disappointed, but..." he turned to the unconscious Kira, " you really wanna see the King shirtless?"

Everyone were quiet as Julius took that as a no, as he decided to bring t

he King to Owen, as the rest of the Clover Kingdom grew respect to the two brothers.

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