6 | Christmas (Investigation) Break

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"Um, Y/N."

I looked up from my book to see Neville standing, his bags in tow. "Oh, Neville!" I closed the book and set it aside, moving my legs over so he could join me on the windowsill. "Off home, I see?"

"You're not?"

"Well, I've got some things to do back here in Hogwarts." I patted the closed book beside me. "So my dad let me stay. Besides, he's got meetings and such."

"Oh. I see." He cleared his throat and opened a bag, papers and a robe falling out. "Oh- sorry, I-"

"Don't worry." I knelt down to pick them up and gave them back to him.

He let out an awkward chuckle and pulled out what he intended to find, a small white gift bag with my name written on the tag. "It's a Christmas present. For you."

My brows raised as he placed it in my hands. "Really?"

"Yeah... You're one of the only friends I've managed to make so far. Well, we are friends, right?"

I snickered. "Of course, Neville, why wouldn't we be? A shame that I didn't get a Christmas present for you, though."

"It's really alright, I-" He suddenly stiffened, staring down the hall with his eyes wide.

When I turned, I saw Draco model-walking down the halls like some celebrity, his bags being pulled by his goons that he wants to call his friends, to which I responded, "Please, Draconis, we all know that you don't have friends."

A smirk formed at his lips as he stopped in front of us. "Don't tell me you've got yourself a boyfriend, Y/N."

"Don't tell me you've forgotten how to pull your own luggage, Draconis."

He looked at the two that followed him and yanked his baggage away. "Stay in touch?"

"Obviously. Tell me what Dobby spills on you this time."

"First of all-"

"Can it, smart-ass me when you can name a star." I handed him a gift bag.

He rolled his eyes, shoving a box into my face before walking off, shoving Neville in the process.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy!"

Draco stopped and turned his head, only ever hearing his full name from his mother. It always startled him, especially when yelled.

"You better learn manners over the holiday or I'll shove them up your arse!" I dropped the yell and smiled. "Merry Christmas."

This time running off, I was left alone with Neville again, who shuddered a bit. "I've never heard someone other than Professor McGonagall yell at Malfoy."

"Trust me, you'll be one of them." I gently punched his arm. "You just need to gain some of that bravery you Gryffindors are supposed to have. Draco's just a cocky git, so you'll be able to do it."

He nodded and grabbed the handle of his luggage. "A-Anyway, happy Christmas, Y/N."

"You too, Neville."

I watched the boy leave and smiled to myself, picking up my book again.

With two gifts held under my arm, I rose from my seat on the windowsill and opened my book, finally able to walk the halls with my nose in it without bumping into students.

By that point, I didn't care what the Philosopher's Stone was or who made it or who it belonged to.

Now, I wanted to know where it was.

The likely location, however, was Hogwarts.

Gringotts is the second most safe place in the wizarding world (relatively), so the only smart place to move the Philosopher's Stone would be Hogwarts.

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