56 | Drowning

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I moved away from Neville, although he tried to hold me back, and I pushed through the crowd.

"Don't let the girl see," Fleur told Krum, her hands in front of her mouth as her eyes welled with tears.

Krum held me back but I tried to push through. "Wait, Krum, please!"

"You shouldn't see."

"Please," I choked out. The air was suddenly pebbles moving through my throat and making my chest heavy.

The world was dark; the bottom of a lake with an endless amount of water crushing me under the weight. I stared through the surface, but the sun was dim.

My sun was dim.

The world just kept spinning.

I pushed past Krum and made my way over to the small crowd forming around Harry and Cedric.

And I saw him.

Cedric lied, clutched in Harry's arms like he would suddenly start running off if Harry didn't hold him tight. His eyes were open, but lifeless, perfectly recognizable as dead compared to the life he always held in them.

Breathing got harder and harder.

I think I had sucked in water.

I stepped back, my eyes darting around to try and identify something recognizable. Something to get the cogs in my head turning again so they wouldn't rust.




Because of Cedric.

Heart thumping.

Too noisy.

Shut up.

It's too...


"Can I touch you?"

I stopped. A voice, muffled, though I could hear it much better than the screams and cries from all around me. The voice wasn't screaming. It was familiar.

As I slowly nodded, I felt a warm embrace wrap around me, doing nothing to try and restrain me. I was just held.

"Let it all out."

I covered my face with my hands and broke down.

Tears and choked out sobs escaped me no matter how hard I tried to hold them back. It was hard to find time to breath between each cry, but I managed to keep treading above water.

Actually, no I didn't.

Someone pulled me out.

It felt like I cried for hours, but it was only a few minutes.

I took a deep breath and moved my hands from my face, finding that it was Neville that had his arms around me, while Hermione, Ron, Mandy, Morag, Lisa, Sue, and Padma stood around me.

"Has it all come out now?" Neville asked softly.

I shrugged, still feeling the sting of tears at the back of my eyes.

"Everyone please return to their common rooms and carriages," Professor McGonagall said to everyone, although she appeared rather nauseous.

Students began hesitantly straying away from the scene.

I held Neville's hand tightly as he swam through the crowd, pulling me after him. He walked me to Ravenclaw Tower and stood, waiting for me to let go of his hand.

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