50 | Merpeople Don't Sing Lullabies

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"Dad, I'm going to the lake with Orion!" I called into the open window.

Knowing that my father was probably holed up in the library again, I didn't bother waiting for an answer and went to Orion, who chirped excitedly when I approached.

I swung my leg over his back and he flew off.

The lake was a bit away, so we ducked behind the clouds so Muggles wouldn't notice the majestic beast that I rode on.

A sad life, Muggles must have. They never get the experience of waving a wand and having something happen or ride on the back of hippogriffs and pegasi.

We landed at the lake, which was bewitched to not let Muggles near - it had merpeople, you see. It'd give them quite a fright to be dragged in.

I landed, spotting the people that were usually there: the old lady that enjoyed feeding the pidgeons, the couple that now had a child named Phineas, and the father and daughter that liked to pet whichever animal I brought that day.

"Hippogriff today, Y/N?" the father asked.

I nodded. "Be careful," I warned.

The father gave his daughter careful instructions and she bowed, not breaking eye contact with Orion, trembling a bit. When Orion bowed in return, I took her hand and guided it to his beak.

Her jingling laughter made her father grin.

I strayed away, knowing that the two wouldn't mind caring for Orion while I waded through the water.

I took off my shoes and stepped into the lake, being urged to be careful by the old lady that sat on a bench nearby.

The water wasn't foreign to me. My mother used to bring me to this lake and go to the area that was waist deep so I could splash around when I was a baby.

There was a drop off near the centre of the lake that I was warned not to go near unless I wanted to fall.

I heard an odd screeching sound and peered in, not seeing anything through the murky water.

I broke the rule that many people knew by heart: don't go to the centre of the lake.

My head tilted, curious - so curious, in fact, that I hadn't notice something coiling around my leg, nor the people screaming at me to come back.

Suddenly, I felt a strong yank and I was pulled under.

I didn't think the sky could look as far as it did when I desperately looked up at the surface.

Even when I saw Orion drop someone in, their hand reaching out, I thought that I was going to die.

I was drowning.


I gasped when we broke through the surface of the water and Cedric held me tightly. "Are you okay?"

I shook my head, shivering, my eyes shut tight. "I can't... I can't swim."

"It's alright, just hold on."

He swam through the water with me hanging around his neck and lifted me onto the dock. "Grab her first, she can't swim."

Someone grabbed my arm and pulled me up, then another helped Cedric.

Madam Pomfrey waded through the crowd, practically shoving me and Cedric to the side and wrapping us with thick towels.

I sat down on the ground, Cedric sat beside me. "Did something happen? Are you hurt?"

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