51 | My Dad Had Friends

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"Good morning, sleepy head," Sue said as Lisa walked into the Great Hall, scratching her dishevelled head of short brown hair. Morag handed her a comb, which she rejected by banging her forehead on the table.

"What happened to you?" I questioned, lowering my book from my face.

She let out a quiet groan before lifting her head and answering, "I totally forgot about my Divination test and studied all night."

"It's the weekend, sweetie, you could've studied today." Mandy pushed a mug of coffee in front of her and a bowl of cereal.

"I already made plans with Dean." Despite Lisa's horrid appearance, her face lit up as Dean's name reached her lips, sighing into her hand as she stared out the window of the Great Hall.

Her daydream was interrupted by the mail as owls flooded into the Great Hall, placing parcels and envelopes on the dining tables.

"Thanks Dipper," I said as an envelope fell into my hands. I looked at the blank space where an  address was meant to be on the back of the envelope, Snuffles written instead.

I furrowed my brow and sliced the wax seal to see inside. Soon enough, I recognized the handwriting as Sirius', and quickly got up to read it in a private area. "I'll be back."

"Not coming to Hogsmeade?" Morag called.

"Maybe not!"

I walked through the halls as I held the letter in my hand.

Meet me at Dervish and Banges.

I stopped and spun on my heel, returning to the Great Hall. "When are we heading to Hogsmeade again?"


"Where are you off to?" Padma asked as I strayed away.

"Dervish and Banges. Need some stuff and I might be a while."

"See you later then!" Morag said.

I stood beside Dervish and Banges, teetering between my toes and my heels, until I noticed a shaggy black dog poke its head out from around the stile.

I smiled and walked over, petting his head as he plopped some rolled up newspapers at my feet. "Hey Sirius."

Soon after, Hermione, Harry, and Ron arrived and we followed Sirius over the stile and towards the foot of a nearby mountain.

For nearly half an hour, we followed him up the rocky and steep mountain. He couldn't have chosen an easier hiding spot to get to?

At long last, Sirius led us to a narrow gap that led into a cool, dimly lit cave.

"Buckbeak!" I exclaimed, approaching him and bowing, earning a bow back, and petting his beak. Hermione came after, stroking his feathery neck.

Harry, on the other hand, was far more focused on Sirius, who had transformed from his dog form. "Your clothing's different," he noted.

"Yes, Y/N has been quite keen on making sure I remain fashionable even while in hiding."

"It's hygiene!" I insisted. "It's gross to be wearing the same clothes, isn't it?" I turned to finally look at him and gasped. "Your hair!"

"It's not that bad," he said sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. As if matte and tangled hair was not that bad.

"Oh, don't be ridiculous. Sit on that rock over there!"

He continued to talk to Harry while I took out the things I kept handy on me. "Aguamenti."

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