28 | A 12 Year Old Rat

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"Are those two ever going to come and help with Buckbeak's trial?"

Hermione, walking into Hagrid's hut, shrugged and sat down. "Harry's got Quidditch practice right now. Ron wanted to try out his Firebolt."

"Splendid, it's the glorified cleaning supply again. Next thing you know, they'll be obsessing over edible bleach." I held Neville's gifted necklace in my balled up fist. "There's twenty days until Buckbeak's trial. In those days, we have to summarize all this-" I patted the pile of papers, "-and make a good argument for Hagrid to read during the trial."

Hagrid shifted in his seat.

I didn't know how to assure either of them.

Hermione looked more tired than Professor Lupin - which was really saying something - and Hagrid looked like he was about to take his OWLs without studying.

For the first time, I seemed to be the most put together in the room.

"Okay, so these are all generally talking about the same thing, so they can be one point." I straightened the papers and placed them to the side. "This one is too detailed, so we can just paraphrase and say, 'hippogriffs require respect.'"

"What about this?" Hermione pointed at a sentence. "'Hippogriffs are proud creatures by nature. It has been known for hundreds of years that they demand respect, and if it's not given, they will attack."

"Right, and if your head's too big to realize that, then you should shove your words up your- Wait, Hagrid, don't write that down."

He nodded and placed his quill down. "Hermione, are you okay?"

"Hm? Yes, of course."

"You just look tired, is all."

"I'm alright."

I hummed, reaching into my bag and pulling out the seaweed that Neville had given me. "Here, have this."

"What is it?"

"Oh, it's... for focus."

She took it in her hand with a raised brow. "I've  never heard of such a thing." Even with her suspicion, she put it in her mouth and swallowed.

Almost immediately, she began dozing off and eventually fell asleep with her head on her arms.

"What happened?!" Hagrid panicked.

"Nothing, the seaweed just made her fall asleep." I patted her shoulder. "I think she needs that much."


"I can't believe you did that," Hermione said as we both rushed to the game between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw.

"I did the introduction for your Muggle Studies essay and your readings for Divination, you're fine!"

"Only those?"

"Yes, only those. The Divination one, you just had to say the worst thing that could happen. Cedric says that's all you really need to do to do well in that class."

We made it just in time to watch Madam Hooch count down from three and whistle.

Harry kicked off into the air and streaked through the sky, barely noticeable as anything other than a blur of red and yellow.

"Merlin," I whispered.

"They're off!" Lee Jordan announced. "The big excitement this match is the Firebolt that Harry Potter is flying for Gryffindor. According to Which Broomstick, the Firebolt's going to be the broom of choice for the national teams at this year's World Championship-"

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