70 | Dreams

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The next afternoon, I waited outside the boy's washroom for Anthony, as we agreed to talk about the investigation while we did patrol. However, we never quite got to do that.

"Y/N... Y/N, get in here!"

I glanced at the entrance of the washroom, dumbfounded by the request. "But, that's-"

"It's serious! I've found... I've found Montague!"

"I'm sure Montague has to do his daily relieving as much as you do, Anthony."

"No! He's drowning in the toilet!"

For a moment, I thought Anthony was making some sort of metaphor, then I remembered that he had the poetic skill of a slice of white bread. "What?!"

I ran inside and found Montague lodged inside a toilet, apparently struggling to breathe properly, let alone speak to tell Anthony that yanking on his ankle wasn't working.

"Anthony, back up. Levicorpus!"

Montague was lifted upwards by his ankle and dislodged from the toilet. I careful set him down on the floor. "How on earth did you end up in there?" No answer. "Hello?" No answer. "Montague?"

With a quiet scoff, I stood and left the washroom, my head turning left to right until I spotted Draco at the end of the hall. "Draco!"

He turned to me, his brow raised. "What are you doing in the boy's washroom? I'd have a right mind to dedu-"

"Not now. We've found Montague."

Now both his brows raised and he followed me into the boy's washroom, where Montague was still seated with his back against the stall's wall, and Anthony was trying everything to get him to speak without magic.

"Something's wrong with him!" Anthony cried.

Draco knelt in front of him. "Hey, Montague! Merlin, has your braincells already run out already?"

"You can't get any more idiotic than this, can you?" I knelt beside Draco. "He's in shock — he was practically drowning when we found him."


"I don't have time to explain this in a toddler's language, go find a Snape and say we found his bloody student!"

"Who are you to tell me what to do?"

"For Merlin's sake, just listen to me for once in your life. We'll take him to Madam Pomfrey."

Without another word, Draco walked off in the direction of Snape's office.

Anthony took Montague's arm and hung it around his shoulder, nearly toppling over from his weight. "He weighs like a thousand pounds!"

I waved my wand and performed the feather-light charm, allowing Anthony to help Montague to Madame Pomfrey's with ease.

How did he even get into the toilet in the first place?


All fifth years will be required to attend a short meeting with their Head of House during the first week of the Summer term, in which they will be given the opportunity to discuss their future careers. Times of individual appointments are listed below.

I was expected at 3:00pm on Tuesday, so I would be missing most of Herbology.

"Ugh, I'm missing Divination!" Sue stamped her foot. "They couldn't put it during Potions?!"

"I have it during History of Magic," Michael said proudly.

I hummed, then began walking off with everyone else. Before I could even get to the end of the hall, Hermione stopped me.

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