45 | Dancing

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"Hagrid... If you're not sure if the skrewts hibernate, don't you think it's a good idea to not try and force them into crates?" I suggested gently as Hagrid started closing the lids of the crate.

Turns out, they did not hibernate, nor did they enjoy being forced into crate and nailed in.

The skrewts burst open the crates and began rampaging around the pumpkin patch.

Much of the class retreated into Hagrid's hut, and some spent their time running from the stinging, burning, blood-sucking creatures.

I jumped out of the way as one's end exploded.

"Don' frighten him, now!" Hagrid shouted.

"Don't frighten him?" Ron snapped in response as he ran away from one of the ones with blood suckers under them.

After a while, we managed to tie up nine of the ten escaped skrewts.

"Well, well, well, this does look like fun?"

I heard the irritating, blood curdling voice near the fence and my head snapped towards it.

Rita Skeeter.

The skrewt cornered Harry and Ron and I aimed my wand at it. "Incarcerous."

It was wrapped in coils and I grabbed it by the conjured ropes and began dragging it away, trying to keep my hands occupied so I didn't accidentally find them wrapped around Rita Skeeters neck.

"Who're you?" Hagrid asked.

"Rita Skeeter, Daily Prophet reporter," she replied, flashing her golden teeth.

"Thought Dumbledore said you weren' allowed inside the school anymore," Hagrid said, frowning.

"She isn't," I spat. "So, you should probably leave."

"What are these fascinating creatures called?" she continued, ignoring me.

I leaned over to Hermione. "The moment she gets on my last nerve, she is going to tragically disappear and be found drowned in the Black Lake."

Hermione looked at me, horrified, but didn't disagree. Maybe she'd help me do it.


Being urgently called to the Great Hall was never a good sign. But from Professor Flitwick? That was a whole new definition of concerning.

He gazed at each of the faces that he held the attention of. "There is a tradition with every Triwizard Tournament: the Yule Ball. It is an opportunity for us to socialize with our foreign guests."

Mandy and Sue looked at each other, beaming.

"The ball will be open only to fourth years and above, but you may invite a younger student if you wish."

I saw many boys' heads turn to each other in anticipation and I knew exactly who they were going to try and invited: Ginny Weasley.

"Dress robes will be worn and the ball will start at eight o'clock on Christmas Day, finishing at midnight in the Great Hall. I expect all of you to put your best foot forward, and quite literally, because the Yule Ball... is a dance!"

The reactions were quite divided, with some groaning and others chattering excitedly.

"Now, Ravenclaw has always been known for its wit and ready mind, so here, you shall be learning... how to dance!" He clapped excitedly. "Ladies and gentlemen, step forward and grab a partner."

Roger Davies suddenly rushed to me and grabbed my hand, his eyes filled with determination.

"Ready into positions, men with your hands around the girl's waist," music suddenly began to play, "and create a synchronized box with your feet!"

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