55 | Turning Cogs

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"Hey Neville," I greeted as I sat beside him in the stands.

Every student and teacher that resided within Hogwarts grounds gathered at the Quidditch field. The final task was about to start and everyone was at the edge of their seats, ready to see the first winner of the Triwizard Tournament in centuries.

I bounced my leg, staring at the ominous entrance of the maze. Soon enough, Cedric would enter it, and the final task would begin.

"Are you alright?" he asked. "You look feverish."

"No, I'm fine." No.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the third and final task of the Triwizard Tournament is about to begin!" Bagman announced with the tip of his wand at his neck. "Let me remind you how the points currently stand! Tied in first place are Mr. Cedric Diggory and Mr. Harry Potter of Hogwarts School!"

Nearly the entirety of the stands erupted into applause as every stood on their feet, whistling, clapping, and screaming for Hogwarts' two champions.

"In second place, Mr. Victor Krum of Durmstrang Institute!"

More applause came around, with Karkaroff clapping especially hard.

"And in third place, Miss. Fleur Delacour of Beauxbatons Academy!"

The applause wasn't as vigorous for her, as there were polite and scattered claps. She had gotten last in every task and her entire school seemed to be staring down in ridicule.

"So, on my whistle, Harry and Cedric!" Bagman counted down and gave a short blow on his whistle, which signalled Harry and Cedric to enter the maze.

After a little while, Krum went in, then a little while after, Fleur.

With this task along with the last one, the crowd seemed to have gotten the short end of the stick. There was really nothing to watch.

Sure, the dragons were scary, but at least we could see them.

I shifted in my seat, wondering what was going on beyond the hedges of the maze. Was Harry defending himself well? Was Cedric harmed?

I felt Neville's hand place itself over mine between us and I tried not to smile. My dad was sitting right next to me after all.

After barely 15 minutes, Fleur was guided back out from the maze, her expression dazed but she was awake.

"What happened?" I muttered.

There were grass stains on her pants and a leave in her hair - did she pass out?

Moody told something to Dumbledore and I furrowed my brow. He probably knew she was in trouble because of that large blue eye. After all, no one noticed a red flare.

As she was led away by Madam Pomfrey, I overheard her say, "That Krum... attacked me..."

Cedric told me that the champions (unfortunately excluding Harry) had become close. I didn't blame her for sounding hurt.


"What's odd?" my dad asked.

"Hermione went to the Yule Ball with Krum. He seemed like a nice guy. I didn't think he'd attack someone he considered his friend to win."

"He is from Durmstrang," he reminded me. "And they're being taught by Karkaroff."

I looked at the judge's table, where the irritable headmaster sat, awaiting Krum's apparently inevitable victory according to his face.

The gears in my mind were turning again. And they were turning quickly.

"Karkaroff wanted to talk to Snape, he says Snape's been avoiding him. He showed Snape something on his arm."

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