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"Up!" Morag Macdougal's broom flew up into her hand as if she had attached a string to it and pulled. I only really remember her because Neville had run off with the Sorting Hat before her turn, but we also shared a dorm.

I stared at the broom lying in the grass and sighed. "Up." It flew into my hand.

Once everyone had a broom in their hand, Madam Hooch instructed us to mount it, saying, "Keep your brooms steady, and on my whistle, hover for a moment, then lean forward slightly, then touch back down."

On Madam Hooch's whistle, Neville began hovering far too high. "Mr. Longbottom. Mr. Longbottom!" He began flying off and her voice started to get more firm. "Come back down this instant!"

"I don't know how!"

He began flying in every which direction, harsh turns nearly bucking him off.

We lost sight of him as he flew over one of Hogwarts' towers, then he returned, somehow going even faster.

Hovering above one of the statues situated on Hogwarts' building, he fell off and his robes caught on the sword of a stature.

Then he fell again and it caught onto a torch.

Then he fell one more time and he plummeted to the ground.

Madam Hooch rushed over, ordering everyone out of her path. She noticed his swollen wrist and helped him to his feet. "Come now, Longbottom. Let's go to Madam Pomfrey. Everyone! Your feet will stay firmly planted on the ground. If I catch a single broom in the air, you'll be expelled before you can say Quidditch."

A shine of silver caught Draco's eye and he walked over to where Neville had fallen and picked up the red ball.

"What's that?"

"A Remembrall." Draco smirked.

Harry stomped over. "Give it here, Malfoy!"

I looked between the two, then back at the Remembrall. "Draco, just leave it."

"I don't know, Y/N. It's not my fault he nearly fell on his ass."

"It's not his either. Just leave it, we'll give it back later."

"What if I don't want to?"

Harry's eyes twitched and he tried to snatch it from Draco's grip, but he threw it up and hopped on his broom, playing with the small ball as if it were a Quaffle.


"You'll have to come up and get it!"

Is it clear to anyone else that he didn't get enough attention as a kid? Please say I'm not the only one.

Harry, barely giving it a second thought (I think the second thought was literally just Hermione scolding him) and flew after Draco.

"What an idiot," Hermione said.

I didn't quite disagree.

I watched the two dart around in the air and intrigue filled me. Harry was a natural. It was as if he had been flying since his birth.

"Ogling, Griffin?" Michael Corner asked with a conniving grin.

"No. The famous ones aren't my type."

"Oh?" Anthony Goldstein's interest piqued. "I wasn't aware that you had a type. I always saw you as one that wouldn't like anyone."

"I don't. Not yet." I crossed my arms, watching the Remembrall fall into Harry's hands. "But Harry Potter? I'd have a lot of competition that I'm not willing to give attention to."

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