43 | Big Teeth and Ferrets

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Being told that Harry Potter is fighting with someone is one thing.

Being told he's fighting with Draco is another.

I arrived at the scene seconds too late as boils began growing on Goyle's nose and Hermione's teeth grew abnormally long, which I could see even with her hands covering it.

Snape glared at the two and they began explaining, rather badly, if I may add.

"Potter attacked me, sir-"

"We attacked each other at the same time!" Harry shouted.

"-and he hit Goyle, look."

Snape looked at Goyle's face and said, calmly, "Hospital wing, Goyle."

"What about Hermione?" Ron questioned angrily.

He stared at her and said, "I see no difference."

I hid my wand behind me back and whispered, "Densaugeo." It hit Draco and his teeth, much like Hermione's, began growing rapidly past his collar.

Snape glared and turned to everyone. "Who dared do that in my presence?"

I smiled and Hermione, winked, and asked, "Did what? I hardly see a difference, sir."

Snape's glare landed on me. It wasn't unusual for him to be mad at students, but he seemed especially furious at the moment. "Malfoy... and Granger, to the hospital wing." He walked into the classroom, adding, "And fifteen points from Ravenclaw."

"Totally worth it," Padma giggled.

The class was about the antidotes that we were meant to make, but since Snape's initial idea of having Harry poisoned was interrupted by the Daily Prophet wanting his photo, he moved on to the next lesson.

What kind of cruel joke was that meant to be?


I've never spoken to Cedric's friends before. I didn't realize they were so irritable.

"I'm sorry, but do you have to wear that?" I pointed my wand at the immature pin that flashed Support Cedric Diggory - the REAL Champion and changed into Potter Stinks! a few seconds after.

"It's true, isn't it?"

"He said he didn't put it in," Cedric said, embarrassed by his friends' lack of maturity.

I rolled my eyes. "So you have the guts to insult a traumatized fourteen year old, but god-forbid you ask one of the Beauxbatons on a date? You have interesting priorities."

Before I could receive any backlash, I turned to Cedric. "So, he said that it'd be a daring task?"


"Cedric, you do realize that is quite literally nothing to go on, right? The very idea of putting your name into the goblet is daring!"

One of his friends, the only one that wasn't wearing one of the idiotic pins, laughed. "Quite the smart mouth your sister's got, huh Cedric?"

"Oh, shut up, Damian."

I noticed that multiple people had suddenly erupted into laughter and I turned, seeing Harry walking towards us.

"Look, it's-"


The spell shut up Cedric's friend and Harry walked up to him. "Can I have a word?"

"Uh... alright."

I watched them talk in hushed voices and smiled a bit, glad that neither seemed to hold any hostility towards each other.

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