Together Again

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A/N: Hey everyone! I know it's been a while since I've updated and I'm sorry about that. I've just been having a hard time focusing on writing lately, and another reason, I've been so addicted to Character Al lately and for anyone who knows about it, I think you'd know which character I would've been talking to😅😉

I also haven't really been on Wattpad that much so when I saw that this book reached over 5k reads, I felt so happy! Thank you all so much for that, it really means a lot!

Anyway, here's a story where you and Henry meet and become childhood best friends. We all know the incident that eventually happens to him and his family which does happen in this story and when it does, you feel so devastated. One day though when you discover that Henry isn't really dead, everything changes. How will you react to this? Only one way to find out!

There was a beautiful sunset happening outside, your dinner was cooking in the oven and your pet spider was happily enjoying its dinner. You couldn't have asked for a more peaceful evening.

While you waited for your dinner to finish cooking, you walked over to your piano and sat down. You lightly traced your fingertips over the piano keys then began to play Moonlight Sonata. As you were playing, your mind started drifting off to a memory. It was the memory of when you met your best friend for the first time.

Henry Creel.


The year was 1959.
You were twelve years old around that time,  you lived with your parents and your older sister. You and your sister were very different from each other. Your sister was very popular, while you were an introvert. Because of this you have always struggled with making friends, and what was also hard was that you and your sister didn't really get along. If you had to describe your childhood in just a few words, you would definitely say difficult and lonely.

As time passed by, your sister ended up becoming friends with a girl named Alice Creel. Then as more time went by Alice's parents decided to invite you and your family over for dinner. The Creel family were new to the neighbourhood, so your parents thought it would be polite to welcome and meet them. You however, were not looking forward to it.. you never liked social gatherings because you would always end up being by yourself and just like you predicted that's exactly what happened..

Your sister and Alice were playing together in another room and your parents were chatting with Mr and Mrs Creel. The whole time there you felt like the third wheel.. you didn't really know what to do or who to talk to. You sighed to yourself and got up and moved to a quieter room, when you were about to sit down, a doll that was laying on the floor had caught your eye.

You picked up the doll and examined it. It was wearing a bright pink dress with matching heels. You looked at the doll again and then at your own black dress you were wearing, you thought the doll looked so.. girly.. a bit too girly for your liking.. When you were about to put the doll back, you heard a kind voice behind you.
"Hello there." You turned around to see that it was Alice.
"Would you like to play dolls?" She asked kindly.

Before you could answer, your sister entered the room and when she saw you holding Alice's doll.. she rushed over to you then snatched the doll from you.
"No! No one wants to play with you! Why don't you go outside and collect those weird spider bugs!" She shouted at you. Then without any warning, your sister raised her arm then whacked you really hard in the face with the doll.. You immediately yelped in pain and placed your hand on your face, while Alice just stood there looking horrified not knowing what to do.

A few seconds after, you slowly looked up at your sister and made eye contact with her.. a cold, dangerous look could be seen in your eyes.. you were absolutely furious with her. Without thinking, you grabbed another doll that was laying on the floor and whacked your sister with it as twice as hard.. then before you knew it.. you and your sister were full on hitting each other with dolls. Yes, you knew this was a ridiculous thing to do but at the time.. you just didn't care. You have had enough of her for being so cruel to you, you are tired of being in her shadow so in the moment you decided to really let her.. have it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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