The Moonlight

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A/N: This idea came to me in a dream I had about Henry😎After reading this, I think you'll understand why I felt bummed when I woke up😅

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A/N: This idea came to me in a dream I had about Henry😎After reading this, I think you'll understand why I felt bummed when I woke up😅

You were in your bed settling in for the night. You had spent most of the day doing lessons with Papa and you were exhausted. Normally, when you're this tired you would've gone to sleep but tonight you knew that there was going to be a full moon and you didn't want to miss it, so you just continued looking out through the tiny lab window, waiting for the clouds in the sky to disappear.

You've always found the moonlight beautiful. Whenever you looked at it you would always feel at peace, it brought you comfort and just for a moment it helped you forget about reality, which is what you needed with being stuck in a place like the lab.. You continued looking out the window until you heard a soft knock at the door, snapping you out of your thoughts. Speaking of comfort. The door then opened revealing Henry, a very beautiful orderly."Good evening Y/N, I'm glad to see you're still awake." He says chuckling while closing the door behind him. He turns to you and smiles at you holding a book in his hands. "Are you ready for me to read you another story? I promise, I'll only read a little bit tonight. I can see you look really tired" He says kindly. And just like that, you moved to the other side of the bed and patted the empty space for Henry to sit down. You didn't have to say anything, because he knows you'll always say yes to him reading to you. After all, this has become a regular thing for the both of you.

Ever since you arrived at the lab, Henry had always been so kind to you. He'd play chess with you in the rainbow room if you looked bored, spend more time with you than the others and would often assist you even though you needed it the least with you being the only adult subject. He'd hold your hand if you were sad and would check in on you throughout the night, and help you if you couldn't sleep which happened a lot the first time you arrived at the lab. You were such an anxious little thing, and could never get settled. But one night when Henry read a book to you, you found his soft voice helped you relaxed. So since then, every night Henry would come to your room and read to you. As time went by, you started to develop a crush on Henry but you could never tell him that. The Hawkins Lab isn't exactly the best place for love and if Papa were to find out something was going on, the both of you would be seriously punished. Besides, you were convinced Henry only liked you as a friend. While he was very kind to you, you just assumed he was like that with everyone. Although when he started calling you "Darling" or "Love" That did throw you off guard.

As Henry continued reading to you, you rested your head on his shoulder like you usually do when he reads to you. While listening to his soft voice, you could feel yourself almost drifting away until you noticed a bright light shining through your window. You sat up a little to get a better look, and you could see that the clouds outside had disappeared. You could finally see the full moon and it looked more beautiful than you could've imagined. As you stared at the moon, your mind began drifting away from the lab. You started imagining what your life would be like if you were free, and if you and Henry became more than friends and could just be together without having to worry about Papa. You were so deep in thought that you didn't even realise Henry was calling your name, until you felt his hand on your shoulder.
"Y/N, are you still with me?" He asks. You quickly snap out of your thoughts and turned to look at him.
"Y-yes! I am. Sorry about that.. I guess I must have let my fascination with the moon take over again." You laughed a little.
"I'm not sure how or why I've developed an interest with the moonlight, but all I know is it gets more beautiful every time I see it." You smiled once more at him and then returned your gaze to the night sky.

Henry Creel x Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now