You're Safe With Me

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A/N: This idea was inspired by a TikTok imagine I saw on Google, where the reader gets out of a toxic/abusive relationship and then runs to Henry.

Warnings: Mentions of verbal and physical abuse, angst, injuries, lots of crying from the reader in this one.

Get comfortable, this one's pretty long😉

It starts off with the same old saying: "At first, he was such a nice guy." While that is a cliche statement, that quote pretty much described the situation you had been through. You had just gotten out of a toxic relationship with now.. your ex boyfriend Christopher who had been abusing you for so long. After having a big fight, he kicked you out of the house and left you all alone outside in the heavy rain. You were soaked, covered in bruises that you got from your ex boyfriend and you had grazes all over your legs from slipping over rain water. You were shivering and you were also feeling scared walking in the dark. But you were able to push that feeling aside and focus on getting far away from your ex boyfriends house.

As you walked down the dark rainy street, you started reflecting on the relationship you had with Christopher. You met him when you were in high school and like the old saying says, at first your relationship with him started off really well. He used to be kind to you all the time and he was like that for a while until one day you decided to introduce him to your best friend, Henry Creel. Christopher noticed how close you and Henry were and it made him very wary, he even started worrying that you would cheat on him with Henry. Looking back, you wished you took that as a sign but at the time you thought nothing of it. You knew it was normal for partners to get jealous every now and again, but after giving Christopher some reassurance everything was fine.

Things went well for a while, but a few years after graduating high school Christopher wanted you to marry him and then start a family. You felt like both of you were still too young and you weren't ready to take that big step, so when you told Christopher how you felt that's when he started showing his true colours. It started off with him arguing with you, then.. the conversation would turn dark and eventually the conversation would go back to being about Henry, no matter what the conversation was Christopher would always bring Henry back up then accuse you of cheating.

You told him many times that you would never commit such an act, but it got to the point where he wouldn't believe anything you say. At first you thought he just got upset at you for not wanting to marry him, this made you feel bad but you still didn't feel ready for marriage.. so you settled on moving in with him. You were hoping that moving together would make things better.. but nothing changed.. Christopher hated that you and Henry still kept in touch with each other, so one day.. he asked you to do something and as soon as he told you what he wanted your heart just dropped..
What he asked you to do was to shut Henry out of your life for good... This was something you couldn't do.. you and Henry have been best friends since childhood, your friendship with him meant so much to you. You also knew about Henry's lonely past and you promised you'd never leave him so you couldn't just end your friendship with him. Why couldn't Christopher understand that? Eventually.. you couldn't handle him getting more angry with you, so.. you gave into his request.. You were thankful that Henry didn't yell you and get mad, however he still showed that he wasn't happy with your decision and the look on his face made your heart break.

Christopher could tell you were upset with him for making you leave Henry, and instead of comforting you. He just got more angry and then would tell you how pathetic you were being. This was when he started getting really verbally abusive with you.. he used to say such awful things to you... Then over time.. the verbal abuse turned into physical abuse. Apart from the usual accusations of you cheating, Christopher started believing that you and Henry were hiding secrets from him which made him more angry then that's when he started beating you..

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