Summer Boy

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Summary: You want to go to the beach with Henry for the summer, but he's worried about people seeing his tattoo and the scar burns on his body. Will you be able to help him overcome his insecurity?

This idea came to me when I was in the pool 😎☀️ There's a little bit of sexual content toward the end of this story but it's pretty much just implied smut. Hope you'll enjoy!

Ever since you and Henry escaped from the lab, both of you have been trying to experience many new things together. And as the summer heat got warmer, you thought going to the beach would be a wonderful adventure for you and Henry.
The both of you packed your bags, feeling excited and you made some food for you and Henry to have at the beach.

As you were packing your bag, you noticed how slow.. Henry was packing his bag. At first you didn't say anything, after all the beach isn't too far from where you live so there was no hurry. But when you saw him place a long sleeved shirt into his bag, that's when you spoke up.
"Henry, I don't think you'll need that. It's going to be really hot today." You say, gently grabbing the shirt from him. Henry shook his head and tried to grab the shirt from you.

"I'll be fine.. the heat won't bother me." He says smiling nervously. You shook your head and kept dodging him when he tried to grab the shirt back.
"Love, no. It's too hot to wear long sleeves grab a t-shirt instead." Henry sighed and surrendered the shirt over to you.
"I.. I don't want anyone to see." He mumbled, lowering his head to the floor. Your eyebrows furrowed and you gave him a confused look.
"What don't you want people to see?" You asked. Henry sighed again and slowly looked back up at you.
"I don't want anyone to see the scars on my body or the tattoo on my wrist." He says sounding really sad.

All you could see was fear in his eyes and whenever he has that look, you know it usually means he's scared or upset about something so you gently grabbed his hand and made him sit on the couch with you.
"Oh my love.. why didn't you tell me sooner?" You say softly. At first he was hesitant to respond, but when he looked at you again all he could see was concern and patience in your face and when you smiled at him, he quickly found some courage and responded.
"I'm sorry.. I knew how excited you were for us to go to the beach and I didn't want to let you down." He mumbled.

You immediately shook your head at him, seeing him get like this really breaks your heart.
"Oh Henry no... you could never let me down. If it weren't for you, I'd probably still be stuck in the lab and never have this freedom." You say gently squeezing his hands then added.
"And of course I was excited for us to go to the beach, but I'd never make you do something you're not comfortable with." You were about to squeeze Henry's hand again but this time he beat you to it.
"I'm sorry.. I know I should've told you sooner but I was too embarrassed.. but I know how much you want to go so I'll stop being silly and we can still go-" And before he could continue rambling, you gave his hand another gentle squeeze and softly started hushing him.

"Shh, it's alright Henry, we can go another time. For today, let's just stay here and we can watch a movie together then later if you'd like maybe we can go swim in our pool." You smiled hoping the idea might cheer him up, but when you noticed that he still looked anxious you quickly added.
"But only if you feel like it." You gave him a kind smile and for the first time today he cracked a smile back. You gave his hand another gentle squeeze then you pulled him in for a hug and the both of you stayed on the couch hugging each other for a while.

Later when the sun went over, you ended up going in the pool to cool off. You could tell Henry was still anxious so you weren't going to swim for too long. Before you went in the pool you reminded him that he's more than welcome to join you and you even tried encouraging him a little, even though you weren't expecting him to join. You smiled and enjoyed the feeling of the water cooling you down. As you were swimming you admired the flowers in the garden and you continued admiring the scenery, until you saw Henry through the window.

Henry Creel x Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now