Pt 1 - Unlocking Memories

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Summary: After Brenner discovered your relationship with Henry, he punished you by erasing all of your memories. But as time went on, you ended up falling for Henry all over again. The question now is, will you get your memories back and remember Henry?

So in this story, Henry will be referred to as Peter. This will only be temporary of course and because the reader doesn't remember Henry yet, I think you'll understand why I decided to do the name change. Other then that, I hope you'll enjoy the story! 🤗

For the past couple of weeks Papa has been testing your memories. You have no recollection on how you got your powers or how you ended up in the lab or how you even became enemies with 002, but whatever you did must have been pretty good for him to get so worked up.

"You're not special! Papa has only been spending more time with you because he knows you're weak and he feels sorry for you." 002 spat out at you.
You looked up from the table and placed your drawing and pencils aside.
"Weak you say?" You replied remaining unfazed. At first 002 seemed taken aback by your calm reaction, he's used to everyone being scared of him. But he quickly snapped out of it and started tormenting you again.
"You heard me! All you women are the same. You're weak and pathetic and you will never be strong like me." He said as him and his friends snickered.

Then with no hesitation, you raised your hand a little and your tormentor was now on the floor paralysed and grimacing in pain.
"Call me weak again. Dare you." You sneered at him. You applied more pressure with your powers to intensify the pain for 002, while his friends panicked and frantically looked at each other until one of them spoke up then started begging you to stop.
"Okay, okay we're sorry. We won't mess with you anymore, please just let him go!" You started pondering your options, as much as you were enjoying torturing 002 you knew you wouldn't be able to keep this up for much longer because if the guards saw what you were doing, you'd be in trouble so you obliged and released 002 from your powers. You smiled and felt victorious when you watched him scurry away from you then to his friends.

You were about to continue your drawing, until you noticed 002 and his friends were looking at you. You could see them nodding and talking about something. Before you could figure out what they were planning, all of a sudden.. a pair of scissors came flying at you. You tried to dodge the scissors but you weren't quick enough, the blades from the scissors sliced a deep cut into your cheek and you immediately gasped in pain. You shakily lifted your hand to your cheek only to find blood filling your hand.

You stood up from your chair and made your way towards 002. You were furious,
you could feel rage coursing through your entire body. Right when you were about to attack 002, you felt someone place their hand on your shoulder. You looked up to see that it was Peter, the only person you actually liked here.
"What's going on here? You don't want me to have to report this to Papa do you?" He asked looking at 002.
"N-no please don't tell Papa about this." 002 stuttered sounding scared.
"Apologise to her. Now." Peter replied coldly and just like that the apology was made.
"Good, now go back to your friends." He smiled, his voice sounding kind again. Peter watched 002 leave then he turned to you, he gently moved your hand away from your face so that he could have a better look at your wound.
"Let's get you cleaned up." He says kindly.

Peter took you into a closet nearby and once he gathered the supplies he needed, he started cleaning up your cut. As he was wiping the blood off your face, you could hear him grumbling something about 002. You couldn't hear exactly what he was saying but whatever it was, he definitely sounded angry with 002 and it made you laugh.
"Don't mind him. It's clear he's jealous." You paused for a moment then continued speaking.
"And I also think he still feels humiliated that I beat him in last weeks showdown." You say laughing as you thought about how quickly you were able to throw 002 out of his circle. Peter laughed with you and smiled at you. After he finished wiping the blood off, he reached over and grabbed a medical bandage and another clean rag and began wetting it with something from a bottle.

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