Pt 2 - Unlocking Memories

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You took a few steps back once you were out of your chair.
"Remember you? What are you talking about Peter? I already know you." Usually you're always sure of yourself, but as soon as you said his name he just looked so.. sad. You've noticed before that he gets like this whenever you say his name, you couldn't understand why saying his name triggers him. But either way, the look on his face showed that he was not kidding.

You looked at him again and tried to see if you had any memories of him, but all you could see was that foggy moon again.. This was making you feel frustrated, now was not the time for daydreaming!
"I don't understand.. if I should remember you, why don't you just tell me." You pleaded. There was so much stress in your voice, it was enough to make Peter feel more sad.
"I would, but I'm afraid it doesn't work like that."

And before you could ask any more questions, Papa came in cutting off your much needed conversation. Instead of him looking strict as usual, he seemed really pleased. A bit too pleased for your liking..
"Why you made really good progress today Y/N! Thank you for sharing that memory with us. I'm glad, I now understand how you got your powers." He said, with a smug smile.

You hated the way Papa was looking at you, it made you feel so.. defeated. You were also feeling confused and terrified and you could tell he was enjoying it. Before he left, he gave you another smile and then turned to Peter.
"I'm glad there will be no more talk of this reshaping the world nonsense." He muttered to Peter, with a satisfied grin on his face. You watched Peter glare at Papa once he left the room.
"Reshape the world?" You mumbled to yourself, and right after you said those words another vision started coming to you.


This time you could see a grown up version of yourself. You were walking through a town but you.. you were setting the town on fire with your powers. There were flames all over the place and all that could be heard was the sounds of buildings exploding and people screaming.

But instead of feeling bad like most people would, you didn't feel anything. In fact, you felt like you weren't even doing anything wrong. You felt like you were making the world a better place. You believe this is why you were given powers, you believed you were meant to use them so you could reshape this broken world and change it into something.. beautiful.

You smiled while watching the remaining buildings burn to the ground. Right when you were about to destroy the town for good, you could see a few men dressed in black rushing towards you. This did not scare you though, in fact your first thought was "Bring it on."


All you could hear was hushed voices, it took a few minutes for your vision to come back and once it did you found yourself in a white room. You looked down then noticed you were in restraints, you looked around and could see a few people then when one of them noticed you were awake an older looking man with white hair approached you.

"Ah, glad to see you're finally awake Y/N. You sure gave my men a hard time trying to get you here." He said looking down at you.

You looked up at him and gave him a look of both anger and confusion.
"Who are you? How do you know my name?" You demanded.

"Ah, you see I already know a lot about you Y/N. I know you have very special abilities and I want to help." He starts off.
"My name is Dr Martin Brenner, all the patients here refer to me as Papa. They have powers just like you and I help them. This is why you're here Y/N. You have incredible abilities, and with training you'll learn to control your powers properly."

"I don't need your help, I can control my powers just fine." You sneered, as you attempted to get out of your restraints.

Brenner looked down at you and found your attempts to be amusing.
"No, I'm afraid I have to disagree with you there. You have caused a lot of destruction and chaos Y/N. I'm afraid you can't be trusted being out in the world so I cannot let you go."

Henry Creel x Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now