Merry Christmas

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You are sitting in your car driving, making your way back home

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You are sitting in your car driving, making your way back home. You had just left your friends apartment to collect the presents you had been hiding from Henry. You felt grateful to your friend for allowing you to use her apartment to hide Henry's presents, because there's no way you would've been able to hide them at home.

You see, with Henry being able to read minds it was always hard to surprise him, he'd always end up knowing where you hid gifts for him; that actually happened when you tried to surprise him for his birthday. But this time you were more prepared, you have been using your powers to create a barrier in your mind, so that he couldn't enter it.
It was exhausting having to do that but you didn't mind. Before he became a prisoner of the lab, you remember him telling you how he never enjoyed Christmas. When he was a child there was this book of spiders that he wanted for Christmas, but his parents never got it for him.. for they believed he was possessed by demons when they discovered his powers. Then his mother.. made the choice to send him away.

Hearing his story really broke your heart, but now that both of you are free from the lab you were determined to give him a good Christmas. So even if it exhausted you, you continued using your powers. Henry could still tell that you were hiding something from him, and when he sensed you using your powers, he grew suspicious and even confronted you about it. You didn't want him going to conclusions so you ended up giving him one of his presents early; a dark blue sweater that had pictures of little spiders. You weren't going to give it to him until Christmas but at least now he doesn't think you're hiding anything from him. Giving him the sweater early also seemed to put him in a good mood, you even saw him setting a Christmas tree up in the house as well. It was only a tiny tree, but the sight was so enjoyable for you to see. You never thought he'd get into the holiday spirit, but maybe since you helped him enjoy Halloween with your spider cookies, maybe he was ready to give Christmas a try.

On the way back home, you stopped at a restaurant to pick up the food you ordered for the Christmas lunch. The drive back home took a lot longer than you expected, "Who knew the roads would get so busy on Christmas Day." You thought to yourself. Eventually, you made it back home and wasted no time grabbing the two bags, one that had the food and the other that had Henry's presents. Henry saw you coming and opened the door for you, you were about to apologise for the traffic you had been stuck in. But as soon as you saw what he was wearing, a huge smile formed on your face.. he was wearing the sweater you got him! The sight was enough to make your heart melt, dark blue looks so good on him! It really compliments his eyes, he looks so cute to you right now all you want to do is cuddle him.

"Do you like what you see?" He says smirking at you staring at him. You nodded your head, giving the cutest smile ever.
"I do, I'm so happy you're wearing it! Dark blue looks amazing on you, it really suits you!" You cooed.
"Thank you love." He says sweetly. He smiles at you and looks down seeing your hands full with the bags you're holding.
"Would you like a hand?" He asks looking at your full hands. You nodded again, and gave him the bag that had the food then followed him inside. When he entered the kitchen, you opened the second bag and quickly placed Henry's presents around the tree. As you did this, you noticed that he had set some presents for you under the tree as well. The gesture made your heart gush with fondness for him.
"He's so sweet." You smiled to yourself. When you heard Henry setting up the table, you quickly hid his last gift under the coffee table; which was a box filled with baked goodies you made and then joined him in the kitchen.

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