Valentine's Day

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Summary: Henry has a crush on you but is too nervous to tell you how he feels, so to express his feelings he started writing kind notes and has secretly been sliding them underneath your door

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Summary: Henry has a crush on you but is too nervous to tell you how he feels, so to express his feelings he started writing kind notes and has secretly been sliding them underneath your door. Will he ever be brave enough to tell you how he feels? Will you find out that Henry has been leaving you those notes? Only one way to find out!

This morning when you woke up, a huge smile formed on your face when you noticed a note and a rose had been slipped underneath your door. You quickly jumped out of bed and retrieved the note and rose, in case there were any guards out on morning patrol.

Ever since February started someone has been leaving you kind notes underneath your door. The first few notes you received were simple, they just had kind and encouraging words written on them. But as the days went on, the notes became much more detailed. Every time you received a note your heart would just melt. No one has ever said anything this passionate about you. You've never even had someone pay so much attention to you, but whoever this person is they clearly know what you like.

For the past couple of days you have been trying to figure out who has been leaving you those notes. Most of the workers and the guards here are so much older than you, so it definitely wouldn't be them. As for the subjects, most of them don't know how to write and the ones that actually can don't have the same neat cursive handwriting as the notes did. The only possible person you could think of is Henry, after all he's the only person here who's close to your age. You would actually love it if those notes were from him. You've always found him attractive those gorgeous ocean eyes, those fluffy golden locks that look so soft. He has always been so kind to you and as time passed by, you fell for him.

Despite him being so kind to you though, just like everyone else here in the lab.. love would be the last thing on his mind. For the past few days, Brenner has really been giving him a hard time lately - a lot more than usual. You never understood why. Henry is always punctual and has never talked back to anyone, so why has Papa been getting so angry with him?

Whenever Papa gets angry like that someone usually ends up getting punished..You're not sure if Henry actually got punished, you're hoping he didn't.. But if that's the case, that confirms he couldn't have written those notes. He wouldn't of had time to and no way would anyone be in the mood for love after getting tortured or yelled at. Henry however.. didn't seem to be affected whenever he got told off. He'd still continue to be kind to you and acted like as if nothing happened, even though you could clearly see that he got scared whenever Papa was around.

You smiled and looked down at the note and the rose in your hand. You have a feeling you'll probably never meet your secret admirer but it's for the best. You'd hate for someone to be punished just because they have feelings for you. You didn't think anyone would ever have a crush on you, you've even wondered if someone was just sending those notes to mess with you. But this couldn't be a joke right? Those notes sounded too genuine to be a prank. You also know that no one's allowed to set foot outside the lab, so this wouldn't have been easy for that person to get you that rose. Right when you were about to read the note, you could hear your door opening. You quickly hid the rose and slid the note in your pocket then greeted some random orderly at your door who then escorted you to breakfast.

Henry Creel x Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now