Saving his Spiders

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This story idea is a combination of my own ideas and also a suggestion by lostgirlriddle1926  I hope you'll like it! And I hope all the spiders in this story won't scare you too much 😅

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This story idea is a combination of my own ideas and also a suggestion by lostgirlriddle1926 I hope you'll like it! And I hope all the spiders in this story won't scare you too much 😅

Little warning note: This story is set in an AU where Henry and the reader move to Australia. So there will be many, many.. spiders, anyone with arachnophobia might not want to read this. The reader also has a panic attack in this story and ends up passing out.

If there's anything I missed, please let me know. Other then that I hope you'll enjoy the story!

After many months of hard work, you and Henry made it happen. Both of your dreams on moving to Australia finally became a reality and the two of you couldn't be happier. On the day you and Henry escaped the lab, both of you agreed that you needed to move somewhere far away where Brenner would never find you, and after discussing where you would move together the both of you agreed on Australia. You have always wanted to go to Australia, so you were very excited. And when Henry heard about the many spiders in Australia, he became very intrigued. So as soon as you and Henry made enough money, and received your new IDs and passports. The both of you wasted no time on booking a flight to Sydney Australia.

The house you and Henry ended up buying was absolutely gorgeous. It was a two story house, that has a beautiful forest nearby but it also isn't too far from town either which is perfect so Henry could go out looking for spiders, but also still be able to buy supplies when needed. It has been a week now since you and Henry moved into your new home, there's still some unpacking to do for a few empty rooms but you and Henry have been going on forest walks so the both of you never got around to it. Henry loved the forest, there were so many different types of spiders there for him to study, he even ended up collecting a huntsman spider and took it home. Out of all the spider breeds he found, the red back spiders intrigued him the most, they reminded him of black widows. He did consider collecting them as well, but you managed to talk him out of it and you were glad you did.. you didn't really like the idea of having one of the worlds most deadliest spiders in your house.

For you, you have mixed feelings about spiders. You think they're useful because they hunt pests, but at the same time you find them creepy and would never let one touch you. Searching for spiders also isn't your idea of fun, but you didn't mind. You loved walking in the forest, it felt like an adventure to you and as long as you kept your distance from the spiders you were fine. Plus you loved seeing Henry's face light up whenever he found a spider, it was so adorable to watch. This continued for the rest of the week, until one day when Henry invited you to go out looking for red backs that's when you decided to just stay home. He also told you that he was going to drop by town to get a few supplies as well. You knew he'll be gone for a while, so you spent most of your day unpacking a few things. As you unpacked you also ended up doing some dusting and cleaning as well, you thought that would be a nice little surprise for Henry to see when he gets home.

Henry Creel x Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now