Pandora's Labyrinth of Deceit!

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Palutena: Okay, listen up, everyone, your destination is the Labyrinth of Deceit. 

Weiss: And how do we get there? I don't see an o- 

A crack in the sky opened up. 

(Y/N): That answers your question, Weiss. 

Weiss: Well, this is weird. 

Palutena: And in we go. 

A psychedelic trip was up ahead. 

Blake: This is really weird. 

Palutena: You'd have to be pretty out there to base your operations in a place like this.

Pit: Well, Pandora has always been pretty out there.

Palutena: It's true. The goddess of calamity even LOOKS pretty out there. I guess it's no surprise that the path to her would be as twisted as she is.

Pit: "Twisted"? I'd say "unhinged" is more like it!

The Labyrinth comes into view. 

Palutena: There it is, the Labyrinth of Deceit. 

It was pretty 3D-esque. 

Yang: Not what I was expecting. 

Ruby: Yeah, especially w- AGH! 

She rammed into a wall that looked like an open path. 

Ruby: Hey, whoever did this has a demented sense of humor. 

Palutena: Tricky tricky. A false path... Pandora is trying to psych you out.

(Y/N): How does Pandora come up with this stuff?

Palutena: Messing with people is what she does best.

(Y/N): Well sh- AGH! 

You rammed into another fake wall. 

(Y/N): Not again!

Palutena: Uh-huh. Another psych out.

Down another path... 

Palutena: Okay, the path branches ahead. Which way would you like? 

(Y/N): I'd say the left path. 

Pit: Left. 

Yang: Right. 

Ruby: Left. 

Weiss: Right. 

Blake: Left. 

And then you guys arrived in a pillar room with a bunch of hands coming in! 

And then you guys arrived in a pillar room with a bunch of hands coming in! 

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