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Tom went down to the downstairs bathroom and when we came out he started on lunch. He was making chicken nuggets and fries for the little ones and for everyone else he made sandwiches.

"DONE!" Tom said yelling for everyone to come to the dinning table.

Liana and Lina came running because they were super hungry. And me and Lisa were upstaris with bill and went downstairs. Gustav and gerog were going to arrive in 5 mins.

"YUMMY, Tom did you put ketchup on mine?" Liana asked.

"Of course I did how can I forget!" Tom said handing her nuggets with a plate.

She grabbed her plate and sat on her seat in the dining table.

"Mine too?" Lina asked jumping up to see her nuggets.

"Yes I did Lina I especially can't forget about yours, you always bite me when I forget." He said with a frown then ticked her. He gave her, her plate and she sat down next to Liana where her high chair is.

Lisa and me met up with Tom while he was in the kitchen.

"Did you put mine ranch?" Lisa asked Tom

"Yes I did here you go." Tom gave her, her plate and she sat down in front of Liana.

"Hey hey hey!, where is mine?" I asked Tom.

"Your too old for nuggets." He asked handing me my Sandwhich.

"Your too old for immaturity." I mumbled as I walked away with my plate sitting next to Lina and her high Chairs.

"Heard that. And you can't be mean to me it's my birthday!" He said grabbing his plate and sitting next to me.

"That's your only excuse, and for a day." I said rolling my eyes and feeding Lina.

Bill grabbed his plate of food and sat next to Lisa.

"I cannot wait for you guys to open your presents!" I said looking at the both of them.

"I wonder what it is!" Bill said happily.

Gerog and Gustav walked thru the door and sat down next to bill and Tom they already ate so they didn't want to eat anyway.

"So what are we going do for your guys birthday?" Gustav said.

"Stay home with you guys I guess?" Tom said.

"Oh? You don't want to go to a club or something?" I said surprised.

"I mean if you don't mind." He said looking right at my eyes.

"No it's your birthday you can go to the club." I said taking a bite from my sandwhich.

"Club it is!" Bill and gerog said at the same time.

"What about the kids?" Gustav said.

"I'm going take care of them obviously." I said laughing.

"But your not going come?" Tom said grabbing my hand that was on the table.

"Sorry no, who's going take care of them." I said looking at the three of them.

"I Can take care of them and myself." Lisa said.

"No I'm sorry I can't leave you alone it's my responsibility." I said before Lisa cut me off.

"Lily it's okay I know how to take care of my self I'm 13 I've been home alone millions of times." Lisa said eating her chicken nugget.

"So?" Tom said

"Fine." I said taking a bite out of my sandwich again.

"Great!" Bill said eating his sandwich.

This is what your wearing to the club

the boy next door ||Tom Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now