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I wake up with my head spinning and TOM NEXT TO ME??

"What the fuck man, what are you here?!" I said getting up and pulling the bed sheet covers over my chest. I was wearing pjs but still..

"Oh sorry I must have fallen asleep here my bad I didn't mean too, after that party call I was already so tired so I didn't think you would mind." He said getting up half dead and half awake.

"Am I interrupting some thing here?" Bill said as he walked in my room.

"No your didn't, I was just about to leave anyway." I said with a mad tone and walked right past bill and down to the kitchen. Bill followed my downstairs as quick as possible and said "lil is something bothering you?" "no I'm fine." I said while pooring coffee in my mug. "you know you can always talk to me-" "bill I'm fine I said..." yelling at him but regretting it the second I said it. "I'm sorry I didn't mean too, I remember what happened last night and I can't get my mind off it, and I'm mad at Tom for stoping it, so if he thinks I'm going talk with him he's wrong." I say taking a deep breath in and out.

"It's okay if your mad at him, I mean I always am to." He said laughing

"Mad at who?" Tom came downstaris with his stupid confusing face.

"Stop following me." I ran up back upstairs and in the bathroom.

"What does she mean by 'stop following me' WE ALL LIVE TOGETHER." He said yelling

"I dont know just fix things with her she's mad at you." Bill passes Tom and leave him confused

Hmm.. Tom has this brilliant idea to go to the beach so that i would cheer up and they can forget about the past. Sorta

Knock knock

"What." As my face was on a pillow

Tom slowly opened the door and said "you wanna go to the beach, if you want you can invite somebody?"

I wanted to tease him. "Okay... can I invite i dont know maybe Ayden?"

"Fuck no, anyone eles but him."

"Then forget about me, and your little beach get together ."

"Fine." He shut my door and I quickly got up and texted him. I managed to get his phone number at the party but I never texted him this would be a great first conversation on text.

You: Hey Ayden it's me lily

Ayden: oh hey what's up?

You: nothing much Tom's throwing a little beach party and I wanted to invite you.

Ayden: wouldn't Tom get pissed?

You: don't worry it's under control see you there in around an hour or so?

Ayden: definitely. See ya cupcake.

Cupcake that was sweet but also shit because she hated cupcakes..

"Are we ready to go?" Tom said grabbing waters from the refrigerator.

"Ready" I said wearing  shorts and a tank top but underneath I had this on.

"Ready" I said wearing  shorts and a tank top but underneath I had this on

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(Lexi looks so pretty in this)
(This is your swimsuit underneath)

We were on our way to the beach and Ayden texted me that he's here and I texted him back saying I'm going arrive in around 5 mins.

Tom was driving and bill was in the passenger seat meanwhile I was in the back row but the middle seat so I could see both of them and the view outside.

We arrive and I see Ayden waving at us. I obviously wave back and so did bill but Tom didn't and I was not surprised.

5 mins later I'm in the sand building a castle while Tom is staring at us like he's going kill us. He won't stop staring not even for a second just incase anything happens.

"Lily!" Tom shouted

I run up to him asking him what wrong?

"You need to stop hanging out with him he's a bad kid and your just being brainwashed at him, this is a first and last time I will ever see you hang out with him anymore." He said standing up and staring at me knowing he is going kill me one day.

Bill came back from the restroom and stared at us so confusing face. "What happened?" Bill said while I was walking away.

"Nothing ." Tom said while sitting back down on his chair with an umbrella

"Hey your back!, look what I made I call it castle toolanda" ayden said laughig

"Toolanda?" I said staring at him laughing

"Hey that's very rude to my land" he threw some water at me and Tom stood up fast.. he stood up but didn't come to me and Ayden path

"Sit down. Your blocking my sun" bill said putting his sunscreen.

Tom sat back down but was continuing staring at me and Ayden

Me and Ayden were doing water fights. We would be throwing handfuls of water at each other and I obviously won

Hello? Do you know me? (🙄, jkjk)

After a while me and Ayden sat a little in front of bill and Tom while the sun was setting. We were talking about life and he kept on making stupid jokes with stupid faces. Once I put my head on his left shoulder Tom burst

"Okay, we are done cmon lolly." Tom grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the side of the car they had and opened shoved me gently on the backseat door.

"What the hell are you doing?" I said staring at his big brown eyes.

"You need to cut the shit lil, it's not funny stop teasing me because you don't even know what happened."

"Actually I do know gerog told me and he seems okay now he seems like a good kid and he always was towards me so if you can leave me alone and stop." I said moving to the side to escape

He put his arm out and and leaned on it and said "I'm fucking looking out for you and you think this is a joke I will forever not trust him anymore."

"Get out of my life!" I said turning around and running back to bill and Ayden.

"Hey are you okay" bill and Ayden said at the same time.

"Yeah I'm fine we should get ready to go." Tom came back and mouth something to bill.

"No!" Bill screamed he put both of his hands covering his mouth "sorry."

we had two cars and me and bill went in one car and the other car...well Tom and Ayden where forced to sit in one car. once we got home omg he was complaining so much he sounded like he wanted to fight that guy again..



1.1k words 🤍
I dont know how to feel about this chapter😓 but let me know if you liked it or not.

Eat, sleep, drink ily all 💋💋

the boy next door ||Tom Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now