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Couple days passed and I'm in our room on top of the bed watching a makeup review.

"Hey watcha doing?" Tom said as he opened the door.

"Nothing im watching somebody do a makeup review on a brand" I said looking up at him.

"Oh alright, I was just grabbing something." As Tom was about to exit I said something.

"TOM!" I said screaming for him to hear me

"Yes?" He said

"Sit down.." I said

He shut the door and sat down on his desk chair.

"What was this meeting for?" He said

"Can I do makeup on you?" I said

"No no no" he said getting up leaving as fast as he can.

"Please please please"

"No no no."

"Please please."

"No no."





I got out all my makeup stuff and decided to do a glam. Not a natural glam. A glam glam.

I started out by taking out his hat so I can put the Minnie Mouse headband on.

I started off with some primer and I rubbing his face. Then I took out some foundation and we are kinda the same match so I just put it on he was very still.

"STOP BLINKING SO MUCH!!" I said hitting the beauty blender on his face

"ITS HURTS!" Tom said closing his eyes.

"Just keep them down." I said

I put on some concealer under his eye bags and a little on the side of his perfect ass nose. I put some contour but only a little bit. And a lot of blush especially the pigment ones. I put some pink eyeshadow with a black eyeliner. And I finished off with some pink lipstick and matte brown lipliner. I showed him and he flipped.

"This is niceeee." He said holding up the mirror with one hand and the other hand on his face.

"Really?" I said

"No I look like a unicorn farted." He said putting the mirror down.

"Hey. I like It so you have to like it." I just started laughing.

Tom's p.o.v

Her soft hands where touching my face. I was loving this is didn't want it to end. When she spread the clear stuff on my face her hands where so smooth and she looked so good I couldn't breathe anymore I was sweating my hands were sweating my feet were kicking I love every second. I admired her 5 piercings all on her ear. She had 4 on her ear lobe. She had a conch it looked so good on her.

I was admiring her big doe brown eyes. Her natural blush when she smiled or laughed. Her little button nose and her full lips. And her little freckles too. They were so little but so cute. And her dark black hair is just the finishing touch.

I was melting....

Lily's p.o.v
He has very oily skin or maybe he was sweating i dont know but he needs to treat his skin more.

After we finished the makeup thingy I obviously took it off after we took some photos of course. (😜)

He was staring at me and it was getting creepy but I just laughed it off because i was literally inches away from his face where eles was he gonna look.

the boy next door ||Tom Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now