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It's 12 am and Tom and bill are asleep.

Me and my sisters got a cake from a grocery store and woke them up. Lisa was holding the cake, Lina was next to me and Lisa and I was holding Liana.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Tom and bill happy birthday to you!" All 4 of us said

Tom and bill where sleeping on the couch because we were watching a movie and they fell asleep.

"Hmm." Tom said rubbing his eyes.

Bill put a pilliow of his face.

"Get up! Happy birthday!" I said with Liana in my arms.

"Happy birthday." Liana said smiling

"Yay!" I said jumping Liana around in my arms.

"Bill wake up the girls have a surprise for you." Tom said shaking bill.

"Leave me alone, let me sleep." He said flipping over.

"Lisa dump the cake on him." I said laughing and I was joking but apparently not Lisa.

Lisa dumped the cake on bill and my eyes widen so fast.

"Lisa I was joking!" I said with my eyes so wide, especially Tom's .

"oops." She said backing away slowly.

"LISA!" Bill said yelling.

Lisa got chased with cake around the entire house.

"I got your something but you have to wait until the morning." I said sitting down next to Tom with Liana still in my arms.

"It's technically morning so what is it." He said smirking.

"Smart ass in the morning morning when there is a sun." I said

"I know I know." He said laughing.

I went in for a kiss while Liana was again still in my arms.

"Happy birthday." I said smiling.

"Ew." Liana threw her tounge at us and looked away.

"STOP CHASING ME BILL." Lisa said running upstaris.

"NO!" Bill yelled following her upstairs.

"Jesus.." I said laughing standing up.

Lisa surrender and we all went to sleep. It's morning and Lisa wakes us up at fucking 8 in the morning. She got a lid and another lid and slammed them together while walking in everyone's room.

"WAKY WAKY." She said louding then the banging.

"Ughh." I groaned and rolled over so my face is on the pillow.

Lisa tip toed in our room and banged in our ears.

"GOOD MORNING." She said smiling.

"LISA!" I said half of my body up. My legs and hips were still on the bed and from my stomach to my head where off the bed and my hair was in my face.

"Lisa you better leave before I STRANGLE YOU!!" I said running and pushing her out the door.

"Hmm what happened." Tom said rolling over on my side. He's on his back and he's looking up at the celling.

It took a min but I realized I have to get their present. "SORRY GOTTA GO!" I said running and locking the bathroom.

"HURYY IM GOING PEE MY SELF." He said yelling from his same spot.

I got ready, I wore a a white thank top with Tom's black jacket on top, as well as some black sweatpants and Jordan shoes. I tied my hair back and grabbed my sunglasses and my purse with my phone and keys, and money inside. I got out the door and drove to my destination.

Which was....

The pet shop!!

I was going to buy a little baby english bulldog.

The twins love dogs especially TOM Tom was all over dogs. I just know this is going to be their best present yet!

I enter the shop with 7 other customers that were already here before me.

"Hello and welcome to Ryan's pet shop how may I help you?" The man said behind the counter.

"Do you guys have a English bulldog perhaps a baby one?" I said at the other side of the counter.

"Yes indeed we do, if you can follow me in the back here." He said pointing to the last aisle.

I followed him and there the dog was, it was a little baby boy he was so cute. He was a little cubby baby too   He was perfect he was so special he had this little cute brown mark right above on his left eye which made it so cute I would take a bullet for this dog.

Anyway I bought him and we went in the car. He was in the passenger seat and I was driving of course. We stoped at Starbucks because I'm still super tired and also to get him a puppuccino (it's a small cup filled with whipped cream) and I got my self a coffee of course.

I took so many photos of the dog licking the whipped cream I was dying of cuteness. I was just happy Tom and bill are going really like this present. Tom has been asking about this since the sleepover we had when I broke my arm and leg

We drove back home and I called Lisa to see if they took Tom and bill to the grocery store while I take the dog inside.

"Hey lis, did you take them out of the house?" I said on the line with my sister Lisa.

"Yeah but hurry up we are coming back home and already started on dinner." She said on the other line.

"Okay okay I'm here on the driveway anyway." I hung up and grabbed the dog and ran inside I had to hide the dog because we had cameras outside to protect ourselves.

We got inside and I take the dog to our room I put those potty Mats in our bathroom so he can take his bathroom break. I also put food and drinks out for the dog to eat and drink. The dog was so cute but it was barking so much and so loud the neighbors thought I was watching tv on the highest volume.

Tom and bill came home and I had to put the dog in the bathroom and close it so Tom doesn't go in there for now at least.

I run downstairs and kiss Tom on the check and bill too and I look at Lisa and I tell her 'did you spoil anything you little spoiled child.'

She replied with 'No I didn't clam down Regina George."

"Okay good it's in our bathroom so don't go in there." I said and she nodded Liana was right behind Lisa and Lina was carried by Tom. (Best boyfriend award goes to him 🥇)

"It's 10am and your starting dinner." I said telling bill while he was unloading the food.

"Yeah but first Tom's going make lunch then I'm going make dinner right after." He said smiling.

"Birthday boy shouldn't be doing that." I said laughing. I realized Tom was going upstairs and I had to RUN!!

"Sorry one second." I said running to our room before he did.

"Lily I'm going pee my pants can I use the restroom?" He said in front of our bedroom door.

"NO!" I said blocking him with my arms and feet around the door.

He grabbed my waist and picked me up and took me to my original room but ever since my sisters came it was stolen.

"NO LET ME GO TOM LET ME GO!" I said trying to escape his arms.

"Nuh uh." He said smirking.

"Please please please my surprise is in there please don't ruin it Tom." I said while my feet are floating and I'm finally as tall as Tom.

"Ohhh got it ok ok fine." He gently dropped me and I ran to our room and locking it from the inside.

He laughed and went downstairs bathroom.

1.2k words!!

Sorry I took to long guys 😜

I will check all my mistakes later 😒

Anyway...it's almost school time already like...ew.

Eat, sleep, drink ily all💋

the boy next door ||Tom Kaulitz حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن