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It's been 3 days since Aydens birthday.

"Hello?, earth to lily?" Bill said shaking me lightly

"Oh sorry I was thinking about something." I said looking down

"What happened?" Tom said taking a sip from his coffee.

"Nothing" still looking down

Tom and bill looked at each other worried.

"Lily is there something you wanna tell us." Tom said but I didn't answer I just stared at the ground.

"Lily are you okay?" Bill said

I look at bill signaling to go to a different room to talk about it. He understood stood up and walked to a different room leaving only Tom in the living room.

Me and bill walked to a far hallway and started talking.

"Lily what happened?" Bill said going on his knees because of how short I am and how tall he is.

"Bill...don't tell Tom." I said staring at him.

"Yeah sure what happened tho?"

"I had sex with Ayden" I mumbled.

"what?" He said coming closer

I said it again and he stood up from his knees and put his hands over his mouth "LILY!" He screamed quickly putting his hands over his mouth again.

Tom came running.

"What happened" Tom said

Both me and bill stared at each other then at Tom.

"Why are you looking at me like that. What did I do this time?" Tom said crossing his arms.

"I had sex with Ayden..BUT BUT LISTEN."

Tom eyes turned from 'sleepy' to 'awake' just like that.

"LILY!" He screamed yanking his hands all around and giving me a lecture.

"why would you do that are you insane you just met the guy."

"I was drunk-"

"Wait was this at his birthday?" "YOU HAD SEX WITH HIM ON HIS BIRTHDAY?!?!"

"No not like that but-"

"That's why i saw you get out of the bathroom. And for two hours?!?!"

"WILL YOU JUST LET ME EXPLAIN?" I said screaming at the top on my lung.

"Thank you..."

I started explaining everything that happened and that I didn't mean too.

"Yeah it's good it's good..." Tom said slowly backing away


"Il be right back." He grabbed his keys from the drawer and left zooming in his car.

"FUCK!" I tried catching up to him but no luck I didn't make it, he's too fast with his huge feet.


"ALREADY ON OUR WAY." Bill screamed starting the car hit then dropped his keys but finally started it.

We got to Aydens house and I see Tom and Ayden fighting not fist fighting but fighting.

"Are you INSANE you fucking BABY?!??" Tom said screaming. They were on the front porch of Aydens house.

"First I'm not a baby, second thing I'm 18 I can do what I want. Your the baby Tom." I said crossing my arms.

"I'm not the baby you are. I have to protect you from doing stupid stuff with this little dude." He said walking to me.

"That's why she doesn't trust you man. That's why she doesn't wanna tell your anything, get out of here." He said opening his front door and getting in and closing it.

"You don't trust me?"tom said not facing me

"Tom there should be a good reason why she doesn't trust you-" bill said putting his hand on his shoulder

"But she trusts you. But she doesn't trust me?" Tom said which made bill back away slowly to where he was standing before

"The reason why I have trouble trusting you is because when I tell you stuff like this you act like this!" I said putting my head more down.

"Like I told you. I'm protect you because you do stuff like this." He said finally looking in my direction.

I didn't say a word. Was he right?

He walked right past me and hit my shoulder with his arm.

"I-uh.." I tried saying something to him before he left but didn't work out.

Me and bill reach home but Tom's car Is here but he isn't?

Me and bill looked everywhere in the house he was no where.

"TOM!!" I said yelling

"tom I'm sorry okay I'm sorry I even did that with Ayden I'm sorry I dragged you to his birthday I'm sorry I'm sorry Tom." I said yelling.

I didn't know where he was but I was 100% he was here.

I was truly sorry.

Tom's p.o.v
I was hiding in my closet she was very close to me so I could hear her so called yelling.

"tom I'm sorry okay I'm sorry I even did that with Ayden I'm sorry I dragged you to his birthday I'm sorry I'm sorry Tom." 'I said yelling.'

I heard everything she said and I was technically in my closet changing.

After I changed I got out of my closet and out of my door going downstairs and sitting on top of the kitchen counter eating a sandwich.

After like 5 mins or so she saw me.

Lily's p.o.v

"Tom?" I said my arm on the door frame.

"Listen I'm so so sorry-"

"Sorry? Yeah I know you mentioned it a lot.

"Yeah sorry." I said sitting on the same counter.

He looked at me laughing.

"What?" I said

"Stop with the sorrys" he said still laughing.

"Sorry. GOSH!" I said quickly realizing

He was still laughing.

It's okay because I punched him.

"Ouch!" He said

"I feel better already." I said smiling then looking away .

"I'm sorry to.." he said out of no where

"Yeah? And for what I'm the problem every since I came back it's been a mess." I said looking down.

"It's been actually funner for me. I miss you kiddo." He said hitting his shoulder with my shoulder.

"But that's not why I'm sorry for. I'm sorry for telling you things you cannot do. I just need to keep our promise." He said explaining the promise we made before I left for my flight.

"We need to stop with the promises" I said laughing.

He gave me a hug and I did too.

Bill took a picture and 'awed'

1.1k words!!
Thank you guys so much for 1k views i love all of you guys💋

Eat, sleep, drink ily all 💋

Give me suggestions for next part 🤍

the boy next door ||Tom Kaulitz Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt