🌸~Chapter 17~🌸

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Jimin was now 8 and a half months into his pregnancy and he was very excited to have the baby. He started going to therapy and taking medicine to help his PTSD a few months ago and now his symptoms are basically gone. Everything was going well except for the fact that Jimin still couldn't decide on a name.








Jimin~"Eehh, no."

Yoongi~"Damnit. Chaeryeong?"





Jimin~"Jiyeon's a beautiful name."


Jimin~"Yeah, I like Jiyeon."


Jimin~"Hey, it's not my fault that you weren't suggesting any good names!"

Yoongi~"Whatever, I'm just happy that you finally picked a name."

Jimin~"Yoongi she's kicking! Feel!"

Yoongi put his hand on Jimin's stomach and felt their baby's movement.

Yoongi~"She feels very active."

Jimin~"Yes, she's been very active lately. Are you worried about her too?"


Jimin~"The doctor said he's positive that she's gonna have a health problem or a disorder."

Yoongi~"Well yeah, why wouldn't I be worried? But I know we will be able to care for her just fine. We will make sure that's she lives a happy and normal life."


Yoongi~"Jimin, I'm sorry."

Jimin~"What are you sorry for?"

Yoongi~"For being so naive. If I hadn't been so naive then I wouldn't have fallen for Jungkook's trick and you wouldn't have been raped and kidnapped and assaulted and our baby wouldn't have health problems."

Jimin~"It's ok. You just love people and you can't help it. It's my fault too, I'm the one that dated him in the first place. I didn't know he was so crazy."

Yoongi~"He went full on yandere."

They laughed at Yoongi's joke. Then Jimin felt water under him.

Yoongi~"Um ...what was that?"

Jimin~"I think my water just broke..."


Jimin~"We CALMLY get out stuff and go to the car and drive to the hospital. We also get my parents."

Yoongi~"Ok. I'll pack the stuff and get the parents, you relax."

Jimin~"You just want me to sit here and look pretty?"

Yoongi~"Yes. You're already doing the pretty part so just sit and relax."

Yoongi quickly packed a bag and got Jimin's parents. Then they all drive to the hospital. The doctors quickly got them a room and prepped Jimin for a c section. They specifically requested a c section. After an hour, the baby was finally born and Jimin was stitched up.

Yoongi~"She's so beautiful."

Jimin~"I know."

Doctor~"We have to take her to do a few tests. We need to see if anything is wrong with her. But in the meantime, do you have a name picked out?"

Jimin~"Yes. Jiyeon."

Doctor~"Jiyeon, pretty name. Whose last name will she be taking?"


Jimin~"When me and him get married I'll take his last name so Jiyeon will too."

Doctor~"Min Jiyeon. Ok."

Then the doctor left with the baby.

Yoongi~"You actually want to marry me?"

Jimin~"Of course! I love you, Yoongi."

The doctor came back with Jiyeon.

Doctor~"You're very lucky. There's not much wrong with Jiyeon, she's smaller than average and she's autistic but that's all. It could've been a lot worse."

The doctor gave Jimin the baby and left. Yoongi and Jimin were alone in the hospital room until there was a knock at the door.

Jimin~"It's probably a doctor or nurse. Come in!"

The door opened and Jungkook stepped in.

Jimin~"J-jungkook? Yoongi I'm not hallucinating again, right? That Jungkook right?"

Yoongi~"You aren't hallucinating, that's actually Jungkook."

Jungkook~"Hey princess. I came to see my baby."

Jimin~"This baby isn't yours, it's Yoongi's."

Jungkook~"Oh I know that but she will be mine once I take her."


Jungkook~"I'm taking her. If you want your baby then you'll leave Yoongi and come with me."

Jungkook quickly grabbed Jiyeon and ran off.

Jimin~"NO, MY BABY!"

Yoongi ran after Jungkook. Some doctors ran after Jungkook with Yoongi. They eventually caught up to Jungkook and got Jiyeon back. Once one of the doctors took Jiyeon from Jungkook, Yoongi tackled Jungkook and punched him.

Doctor~"Keep him held down, I'm calling the police!"

Yoongi~"No problem."

Jungkook tried to get up but Yoongi pushed his head to the ground.

Yoongi~"This is for tormenting my boyfriend for so long. You deserve what coming to you."

Jungkook~"If I go to jail I'll kill myself!"

Yoongi~"Then in that case I hope you rot in hell!"

The police arrived and arrested Jungkook. Yoongi took Jiyeon from the doctor and gave her back to Jimin.

Jimin~"Thanks, baby."

Yoongi~"It was my pleasure. I got to tackle Jungkook!"

Jimin laughed.

Jimin~"Yes, I saw."

Then they kissed and waited until they were able to finally go home.

Meet Me By The Cherry Blossom Tree ~Yoonminkook~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora