🌸~Chapter 9~🌸

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Yoongi and Jimin got up early the next day for school. They got ready together, fed Enji, and then left. They walked to school together.

Jimin~"It's gonna be so awkward seeing Jungkook in the halls!"

Yoongi~"It's only awkward if you make it awkward."

Jimin~"I guess you're right. I was always sad that me and Jungkook didn't have any classes together but now I'm actually pretty happy about it."

Yoongi~"At least you don't have to share a class with him. See, now you have a much lower chance of seeing him!"


They got to school and had to part ways to get to class.

Yoongi~"I'll see you at lunch!"

Jimin~"Ok, bye!"


Then they walked to their classes. Yoongi's first class was art. He got to class and sat by the boy he normally sat by. He didn't know the boys'name and they never talked. The boy had black hair, brown eyes, smooth looking skin, and dressed mainly in black. Yoongi always saw the boy hanging out with another boy named Taehyung. Then the boy looked at Yoongi.

Boy~"Hi, what's your name?"

Yoongi~"My name's Yoongi. You?"

Boy~"My name's, um... Jongdae."

Yoongi~"Wow, you have such a pretty name!"

"Jongdae"~"Thanks, wanna be friends?"

Yoongi~"Of course!"

Then class started and the teacher gave the class an assignment and they all had to work in pairs.

"Jongdae"~"Wanna be my partner?"


They worked together on the art assignment. They talked and got to know each other along the way. By the end of class they were pretty close. Once class ended they both packed up together.

"Jongdae"~"Wanna sit with me at lunch?"

Yoongi~"Sorry,I sit with my boyfriend at lunch. We can hang out after school though."

"Jongdae"~"That's fine. Where do you wanna meet?"

Yoongi~"We can meet in the park about thirty minutes after school ends. Sounds good?"


Yoongi~"Ok. Bye, Jongdae!"

"Jongdae"~"Bye, Yoongi!"

Then they walked to their next classes.


It was now third period which is gym class for yoongi and Jimin. They were running laps on the track when Yoongi caught up to Jimin.

Yoongi~"Hey, babes!"


Yoongi~"Guess what? I made a new friend!"

Jimin~"That's great, babe! What's their name?"

Yoongi~"His name is Jongdae! He was my partner in art class and we became friends. We're gonna hang out after school today."

Jimin~"That's amazing, babe! I hope you have fun."

Yoongi~"Thanks. And don't worry, I'll be home early enough to be able to give you attention too."


Then gym class was over and they went on with their days.


Jimin and Yoongi were at home after school. Yoongi was getting ready to meet Jongdae in the park and Jimin was playing with Enji.

Jimin~"Oh, I love you so much!"

Yoongi~"Aww, I love you too!"

Jimin~"Oh, um, I was talking to the dog. I love you too though."


Jimin~"Don't be like that! You know I love you!"

Yoongi~"Well now I'm not sure. Maybe a kiss would reassure me."

Jimin~"You're such a baby."

He got up and kissed Yoongi.

Jimin~"Are you reassured now?"

Yoongi~"Yes, Now I know you love me. Well it's time for me to go. I'll see you later tonight."

Jimin~"Ok, have fun!"

Yoongi~"I will!"

Then Yoongi left. He walked to the park and when he got there, Jongdae was already waiting for him.

Yoongi~"Hey, Jongdae!"

"Jongdae"~"Hi, Yoongi!"

Yoongi walked to where Jongdae was sitting.

Yoongi~"What do you want to do?"

"Jongdae"~"I was thinking we could just walk around and get to know each other more."

Yoongi~"That sounds great."

Yoongi and Jongdae walked all around the park and talked for a very long time. Then they found an empty playground and decided to stop at it. They sat on the swings and talked more.

Yoongi~"My boyfriend would love this playground."

"Jongdae"~"You never told me who your boyfriend is.'

Yoongi~"Oh, his name is Jimin. You probably don't know him, he's really shy and doesn't have many friends. Actually, I'm his only friend .... And his dog."

"Jongdae"~"You're right, I don't know him."

Yoongi~"He's kinda cold when you first meet him but once you get to know him, he's really the sweetest person. Actually, I think you and him would get along."

"Jongdae"~"Yeah, I think me and him could be friends."

Yoongi~"You and Jimin should meet sometime!"

"Jongdae"~"I'm free tomorrow if you want to let us meet."

Yoongi~"That's perfect! We will meet at this playground and I'll introduce you two!"

"Jongdae"~"Sounds good. I have to go, my parents want me home at a specific time. I'll see you tomorrow."

Yoongi~"Ok, bye!"

Then Jongdae left. Yoongi decided to leave too. Once Yoongi got home he ran up to Jimin's room and told Jimin the news about how he was gonna meet Jongdae tomorrow.

Jimin~"WHAT!? Yoongi, you know I'm not good with people!"

Yoongi~"Pleeeaassseee baby! He's nice and you two would totally get along!"

Jimin~"But what if I make a fool out of myself? What if I trip, or stutter, or accidentally forget his name, or-"

Yoongi~"Calm down. You will be ok. He's excited to meet you and he's probably just as nervous. You're gonna do great, I believe in you."

Jimin~"Are you sure?"


Jimin~"Ok fine, I'll meet him."

Yoongi~"Yay! Now it's getting late so let's get ready for bed so we can get a good night's sleep before you meet Jongdae."


Then they got ready for bed and went to sleep.

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