🌸~Chapter 11~🌸

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~day 1~

Jimin woke up in a big and comfortable bed. He looked around and didn't know where he was.

Jimin~"Enji!? Enji where are you!?"

Enji looked up from his dog bed and then walked over to Jimin and jumped onto the bed with him.

Jimin~"Thank God you're ok!"

Jimin hugged Enji close. Then he heard footsteps getting closer. Jimin got scared. Then Jungkook opened the door.

Jungkook~"Hello, princess. I see you're finally awake."

Jimin~"Where are we?"

Jungkook~"You're at your new forever home, of course!"

Jimin~"Ok but, WHERE are we? This doesn't look like Korea."

Jungkook~"I can't tell you that, sweetheart."

Jimin~"Well, why did you kidnap me then?"

Jungkook~"So you could be my sex slave and my trophy wife. Why else?"

Jimin~"Sex slave? I'm not having sex with you!"

Jungkook~"You have no choice. You have sex with me or you die."

Jimin~"Then I'd rather die."

Jungkook~"Too bad! I'm not gonna kill you. For now, at least."

Jimin~"Why not?"

Jungkook~"Because I'd rather not be fucking a dead person."

Jimin~"Whatever. Go fuck yourself!"

Jungkook~"What was that? Did you just disrespect me?"

Jimin~"Yeah, what are you gonna do about it?"

Jungkook~"Punish you. Punish you so hard that you won't be able to feel the bottom half of your body."

Then Jungkook threw Enji into the wall to get him out of his way.



Jimin stayed silent.

Jungkook~"Good boy~"

Jungkook took off his clothes and then he took off Jimin's clothes. He got on top of Jimin, about to enter him.

Jimin~"Please just leave me alone!"

Jungkook~"Shut up! You'll enjoy this, I promise."

Then he entered Jimin and thrust deep inside of him, making Jimin scream.

Jungkook~"You like that, princess?"

Jimin~"No, please stop!"

Jimin was crying.

Jungkook~"Not until you satisfy me~"

Jungkook thrust deeper and harder into Jimin, pain surged through his body. Eventually, Jungkook came inside of Jimin and then he got off of him and started dressing himself.

Jungkook~"I hope I got you pregnant, I've always wanted to have a baby with you."


Jungkook slapped Jimin across the face.


Then Jungkook left Jimin there crying. Enji jumped onto the bed and layed next to Jimin, trying to comfort him.

Jimin~"It's ok Enji, we're gonna be ok. I promise."

~Day 2~

Jimin woke up to Enji barking.

Jimin~"Be quiet, Enji. I'm trying to sleep!"

Enji barked even louder. Then Jungkook busted into the room.

Jungkook~"MAKE HIM SHUT UP!"

Jimin~"I can't!"

Jungkook kicked Enji. Enji whimpered but then went back to barking.

Jungkook~"Ugh, that mutt is getting annoying! Jimin, I have a choice for you to make."


Jungkook~"Your mutt is getting annoying but I don't want his blood on my hands so your gonna kill him for me."


Jungkook~"If you don't kill him then I'll bring Yoongi here and make you watch as I kill him and then make you watch as I have sex with his corpse. So would you rather kill the dog or watch as I kill your boyfriend?"

Tears streamed down Jimin's eyes. Jimin didn't want either of them to be dead, he'd rather Jungkook just hurry up and kill him so he would t have to suffer anymore. He thought about it for a long time. Then he finally made his decision.

Jimin~"Fine. Bring Yoongi over."

Jungkook~"Really? You would rather have your boyfriend killed than kill your dog?"

Jimin~"Yes, being Yoongi over."

Jungkook~"Ok. I won't be back until tomorrow and I'll have Yoongi with me. You can walk around the house but there's no way that you can escape because everything is locked and if you manage to break anything or open anything then an alarm will go off and my men will come and tie you to the bed so you can't leave. Got it?"

Jimin nodded.

Jungkook~"Ok, bye."

Then Jungkook left. Jimin heard the front door open and close. He got up from his bed and Went over to Enji who began barking again once Jungkook left.

Jimin~"What's wrong, baby?"

Enji whimpered at the door.

Jimin~"Do you have to go to the bathroom?"

Jimin opened the door and Enji ran out of the room. There was a bathroom right next to the master bedroom. Jimin found a pee mat for Enji in there. Jimin guided Enji to it and Enji did his business and stopped barking. Jimin decided to explore the house. The house was a huge mansion. Jimin wondered where Jungkook got the money to pay for it but he knew that he probably didn't want to know. He found a movie theater, an arcade, and a beautiful indoor greenhouse. Jimin decided to explore the greenhouse first. Jimin walked in and Enji followed him. He saw beautiful flowers and trees and ivy everywhere. Jimin had always loved plants so this was his paradise. After spending Bout 4 hours in there, he and Enji finally left and they went to the arcade. Jimin played in there for a few hours until he decided to go to the theater and watch a movie. He decided to watch Titanic and then after that he was tired so he decided to go to bed early. For being kidnapped, he was definitely having a good time. The only thing he didn't like was the rape and abuse and the fact it was Jungkook who kidnapped him. But Jimin would soon realize that he made a huge mistake letting his guard down with Jungkook near.

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