🌸~Chapter 20~🌸(finale)

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It was graduation day. Jimin and Yoongi were sitting next to Rosé and Lisa because their last names were next to each other.

Jimin~"I'm so excited! We're finally gonna get to go to college! Have you guys been accepted into a college yet?"

Rosé~"I was accepted into Sejong University."

Lisa~"I was accepted into the Korean National University Of Arts."

Yoongi~"Me and Jimin were both accepted into Korea University."

Lisa~"That's so great!"

Rosé~"It's so sad that we won't see each other after we graduate!"

Yoongi~"We'll still text each other!"

Then their row was called to get their diplomas. They all got their diplomas and they waited for everyone else to get theirs. Once the graduation was done they all threw their caps in the air. After the whole thing Yoongi and Jimin went home. Jiyeon greeted them at the door.

Jiyeon~"Daddy, Dada!"

Jimin~"Hey, baby! Me and daddy are done with highschool!"

Jiyeon did a happy scream and then Yoongi scooped her into his arms.

Yoongi~"That means we can spend more time with you!"

Yoongi booped her nose and Jiyeon giggled. Jimin walked up to Yoongi and pulled him in for a kiss.

Jiyeon~"Oooooohhh! Dada kissing daddy!"

Jimin and Yoongi both laughed.

Jimin~"We love you, Jiyeon."

Jiyeon widely smiled.

Jimin~"Yoongi, I love you so much. You're my favorite person in the world."

Yoongi~"You're my favorite person too! And I love you more than life itself."

Yoongi kissed Jimin. He felt all of his worries melt away as their lips connected. Jimin knew he had met the one and only love of his life. He couldn't wait to see what was in store for the rest of their lives.

The End🌸

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