Poet's Pact

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It has been many moons since the Storyteller last spoke,

Once he read great poems, now just cliches and bad jokes,

His eloquence has disappeared, he has lost his voice,

He tries hard to articulate but then he starts to choke.

Dulcet, wondrous, honeyed voice once kept audiences enthralled,

Hanging on his every word, they were rapt not bored.

Time has moved on it has all been told, nothing new to say,

The Poet's tales have no meaning, creativity has stalled.

So he made pilgrimage to an Oracle, hoping to regain his touch,

Promised offerings and sacrifice, all manner of gold and such,

Yearning to be celebrated and in demand once more,

Any price asked would be paid, no matter how much.

Malevolent spirit overheard his pleas and sought him out, alone,

Faustian bargain was struck, he could now regain his throne,

I fear this price was way too much, to sell his eternal soul,

He should have gone to Ireland and kissed the ' Blarney Stone!'


Written by Vernicho ( 16 March 2013 ) Copyright ( All Rights Reserved )

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