Poet's Passion

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For the poet writing is a passion,

He will just do it when he has the time.

It may not be the current fashion

And his rhymes may not quite chime.

This will in no way douse his ardour,

He will always pen his words,

For although his task may get harder

He wants his ideas to be heard.

Anybody reading may perchance like his style,

Agree with the gist of his writing,

Perhaps be amused or even smile

At the absurd thoughts he is highlighting.

If not it will not matter to him,

It will not make him feel ill,

Because he writes these poems for himself

And he knows that he always will.


Written by Vernicho ( 3 March 2013)  Copyright ( All Rights Reserved )

to all poets i say never cease to write

keep the passion burning bright

and forever shine your light.

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