Poet's Thoughts

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Poets often think strange impossible thoughts.

These thoughts enter unexpectedly via the ether,

A daydream or reverie that weird treasure brought.

Poets muse and cogitate thoughts, attempt to see

What they mean and fashion a vision from them.

They present an interpretation, readers may disagree.

The voice they choose to speak the words

May not always be their own,

Imagining other characters alters what is heard.

Readers will see other things that the poet did not foresee,

This is how imagination and poetry are meant to be.

Do not assume the poet speaks, don't take things literally,

Interpretations can be legion, that is the readers choice, as it should always be.


A/N do not assume that the poet is speaking his own truth always.  Meanings can be opaque and the poet does not always advocate the characters thoughts.  Poet's write from experience, dreams, observation and imagination.  Sometimes the message is clear, other times thoughts are put to provoke or challenge others to think and gain the insight of readers on situations or views of the world around them.  Wattpad enables us to get others views which can inspire or make us reflect on our own work. That interaction is special.  Immediate feedback can only give us all food for thought and help us improve our writing style.   Poet's write, interpretation and reaction is the task of those who read.

Written by Vernicho ( 13 March 2013 )  Copyright ( All Rights Reserved)

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