Poet's Plight - A sort of Sonnet

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My poetic rhymes are not in a line,

I cannot get them right all of the time.

When they are right, happiness, I feel fine,

For I have found the most apposite rhyme.

I struggle for inspiration you know,

Insight and clarity won't come to me.

It really is such a very poor show,

I do not understand why this should be.

Everything is starting to be so hard,

I feel my brain freezing, becoming numb.

I run outside into my small backyard,

Scream and curse at the gods: this is no fun.

A Poet's plight is not a pleasant sight,

It should not be so hard to blooming write.


A/N this is 14 lines, but no matter what I have tried I cannot remove the spaces between the lines.

Apologies to all serious sonnet readers for my abuse of the form it is meant to be a fun piece. enjoy.

Written by Vernicho ( 1 March 2013)  Copyright (All Rights Reserved)

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