Mario Plays Suck-Up For a Bit, Then Lets Luigi Take the Wheel

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"Are you serious?" Mario exclaims, immediately leaving his room to find Peach. "Bro, if this is real, it could be it. Is Mimi with Junior right now?"

"I have no idea, actually, but she's about to appear any second. And I will call you the second she tells me something."

Finally spotting her, Mario gestures for Peach to come closer, as he says into the phone. "Weegee, I am ecstatic. You don't even know. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you so much."

"Mario, you know I wasn't gonna let anything happen to either of you." Luigi says. "You're my brother, and there's nothing I wouldn't do for you, or our friends."

"I never doubted that." Mario swears. "You think I'd let the princess go through all of this if I did? My little brother is a hero, and if this doesn't prove that to everyone still having doubts, I'll set them straight myself."

"Stay by the phone. I'll update you." Luigi promises, then hangs up.

"What was that?" Peach demands hopefully. "Did something happen?"

"Yes it did!" Mario confirms, nodding vigorously. "Luigi came through for us: we found Junior!"

"Now let's hope this means this whole thing can be done once and for all." Nastasia tells Luigi as he hangs up.

"Believe me, I'm doing all the hoping for all of us." Luigi replies wearily.

"So what finally made you say yes?" Bowser asks as he directs Junior to his room. "Been a little crazy around here."

"Someone was following me." Junior admits.

"What?" Bowser roars. "Who?"

"I don't know. Every time I looked, it was someone else." Junior says. "But they were asking about you."

"What did they want?" Bowser demands, angrier now.

"I don't know!" Junior stomps his foot, agitated. "I jumped in my clown car and flew away and came here so you'd make them go away!"

"Whoa, hey." They've finally reached Junior's room, so Bowser says. "Not here. Too many minions snooping around. Inside. Now."

"Now I can't help but wonder what Mimi found out about Junior." Luigi says as he sits on his couch.

"She'll be here any moment." Nastasia promises, right as Mimi appears right in front of them.

"My ears are burning!" She says as she hugs them both. "Geez, that was the longest job I've ever taken. And soooooo boring!"

"It's about to be a lot less boring once you tell us about Bowser's son!" Luigi says to get her back on track.

"Oh I know." Mimi says, joining him on the couch. "So here's the gist."

But before she can start, a phone starts ringing, and after confirming it's not Luigi's or Mimi's, Nastasia checks hers.

"Oh. Um. This is kinda important, so I'm gonna let you two talk alone, kay?" She says, then disappears before they can say anything.

Well, Mimi's about to say something, but Luigi won't let her.

"Okay, Mimi, I know she's your best friend, but I'm desperate. Just tell me what I want to know about Bowser Jr."

"I didn't talk to him." She says first. "In fact, for the most part, I didn't even see him."

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