Mimi Proves To Be a Good Friend, But Did Bowser Just Solve All Their Problems?

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Once he's double checked to make sure the coast is clear, he sneaks Peach into his guest room and calls Luigi.

" Mario? "

"You're on speaker with me and Peach." Mario informs him. "I know it's risky calling, but trust me, after the day we've had, we need to hear a friendly voice."

" What happened?"

"Aside from Bowser forcing us to help Wario redecorate my castle?" Peach winces as she says it. "Using the money in our vaults, and we can't say one word."

" Sure you can. The word is no. " Luigi says.

"Bro, you know we can't do that without Bowser turning us in." Mario says bitterly. "And I know hurting him was a complete accident, but after the day we've had, I really wish it wasn't."

"Hey there, boss." Wario greets. "Where's the one in the pink?"

"My wife?" Bowser growls.

"No no." Wario shakes his head, looking over his decorating selections again. "The kid with the pink bow. Gorgeous gold bracelets?"

"I kicked Wendy and the rest of them out, like I should've the moment they showed up." Bowser says, making Wario look up in surprise. "Now here's hoping I never see them again."

"Oops, sorry to disappoint." A voice says, and a moment later, in a burst of pink magic, there's Wendy. "We're here, and we're not going anywhere."

"I told you all to get lost." Bowser reminds them.

"See, that's the problem." The new voice startles as Iggy appears. "We did get lost. Then we found our way back."

"That's not what I meant, and you know it." Bowser seethes.

"Not our fault." Lemmy's next, giggling. "We're kids!"

At Bowser's unimpressed look, Morton Jr.'s reappearance is coupled with rolled eyes. "Aw, come on. You still need to secure your marriage with Peach, and clearly even with no one stopping you, you need a little guidance. So why don't you let us help you?"
"How about not?" Bowser says. "Like it's not bad enough I let him ..." he gestures to Wario. "Have all of Peach's riches to himself. And I'm betting he's trying to get more out of you, isn't he?"

Wario's eyes harden, " Excuse --"

"Oh Wario?" Wendy bats her eyes at him. "Be a sweetie pie and leave us alone, kay?"

"I'm in on Bowser's plan too." Wario says stubbornly.

"And we'll tell you all about it once we're all done here." Wendy promises. "Right guys?"

They all hum in agreement, so Wario nods.

"Alright. I can wait a bit."

Then he leaves.

"Alright then." Wendy says. "We all know you're starting to panic because public opinion on you hasn't changed in the slightest, while for Peach it's skyrocketed. But we can change that as soon as today if you just say the word."

"You may have intimidation down cold." Bowser says, crossing his arms. "But you're still the same gold-digging brats that I took in all those years ago. Now get out. All of you."

This enrages all of them, and while they all comply and leave, Wario's right there waiting, so of course Iggy demands.

"Spying on us again?"

"Who, me?" Wario pretends to be offended. "Never. But from the look on all your faces, Bowser didn't take your bait, did he? That mean you're ready to take mine? Bowser's too preoccupied by his current marital problems to notice what you're getting up to, so the way I see it, you have nothing to lose, and everything to gain."

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