Why Does the Morning After Always Suck?

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 The tap on Mario's shoulder startles him more than it should, as Luigi hands him a plate of spaghetti.


"No—" He starts to lie, then his stomach betrays him by growling. "Starving. Give it here."

He takes it, wraps up a bite in his fork, shoves it into his mouth, then moans.

"Weegee, you have officially outdone yourself."

Wario watches with amusement as Mario calls out, "Weegee." and tosses and turns in his bed, then coughs loudly, startling him awake.

"You were up late last night, weren't you? " Their dad scolds when he calls him.

"Yeah I was...pretty upset." Luigi admits.

"Can't be easy, your brother watching the woman he loves marry someone else. "

"That's not the half of it." Luigi replies. "I was right there at the castle, ready to burst in and object, and just when I barely got inside, the Chancellor told me he performed the ceremony himself."

"Oh Dio." Giovanni sighs.

"Be very very glad you're not here to see all this, cause I'm hanging by a thread living in our house by myself."

"What? "

"Right..." Luigi kicks himself. "It wasn't enough for Peach to marry Bowser. She and Mario are moving into his castle."

"What's going on here?" Peach demands as she sees Mario and Luigi being handcuffed.

"We've just received evidence of these two attacking this man." The Toad points to Wario. "And leaving him for dead. The timestamps on the photos are marked the day before Wario didn't appear before the Chancellor."

"Didn't I tell you to get lost?" Mario snaps, sitting up in his bed.

"You can't speak to your new boss' right hand man that way." Wario sneers.

"I can when I want him to drop dead." Mario retorts.

"Ooh, good one." Wario mock claps. "Wish I could've heard it last night before that wedding cake caught up with me, but now we're both awake! Now let's get a start on the day, shall we?"

"I don't have to listen to you." Mario snaps.

"Ah ah ah." Wario says. "That old Toad said the marriage has to look legit, otherwise the Princess will step down from the throne, you and your brother will go to prison for leaving me for dead. Now get out of bed and show me where Peach's vault is."

"Yeah, no." Mario says. "In public, I'll do whatever you want. But that's where I draw the line."

"You'll change your mind." Wario says. "Sooner than later. My ears are burning from all the money I've yet to get my hands on."

"I am well aware." Mario says bitterly. "The money you were never entitled to in the first place, cause you're a loser."

"Call me all the names you want. But like my boss said: your little brother is no longer welcome here."

At that, Mario glares at him, but just gets out of his bend and walks out of the room.

"You have the evidence?" Peach repeats weakly.

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