Behold: The Moment We've All Been Waiting For!

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"Believe me, I'd never let Peach do this." Mario begs Toadsworth, as he and Toad go through the incriminating photos. "But this is what we're facing if I don't. What else can I do that doesn't involve disappearing and leaving Peach defenseless? I know she can handle herself, but not indefinitely."

"Master Mario." Toadsworth says in a no-nonsense tone. "I know how much Master Luigi means to you, and I know you'd never put the princess in harm's way. So please help me to understand why you're doing it now!"

"I'm not !" Mario insists. "I'm just...stalling. Borrowing time to give Luigi a chance to get us out of this."

"Hey, I get that!" Toad says. "But using Peach as bait? Bowser is despicable !"

"Guess that's one wedding invite I can cross off the list."

The growl makes them all flinch, as Bowser stomps into the conference room.

"How dare you?" Toad demands.

"I'm a passionate Koopa." Bowser says. "Now where's my bride?"

"Hey, just because Mario thinks you've finally beaten him," Toad walks over to Bowser angrily. "Does not make you all buddy-buddy with the rest of us."

"We will never accept this marriage as legitimate, no matter what the paperwork says!" Toadsworth chimes in. "If you had any sense, you'd quit while you were ahead!"

"Toadsworth, wait." Toad stops him. "Don't make yourself faint again."

"Master Mario and the princess are in danger!" Toadsworth reminds him.

"And the last thing we need right now is to make him mad!" Toad says calmly.

"That was an accident! " Ma says immediately. " Mario didn't set out to hurt that man! He was just trying to protect you, like he always has. "

"Unfortunately, Bowser and Wario are gonna have everyone thinking otherwise." Luigi says, still sitting on the edge of the bed, hunched over. "They have photos of us wheeling his body out of the castle and leaving him at the hospital. Literally the night before the Chancellor would've decided for or against Mario. Our hands are tied."

"No they're not." Ma insists. " They're being twisted by a con artist. We just need to find a way around this. Or stall this whole process until-- "

"We can't." Luigi stops her, wishing he didn't have to. "The ceremony's happening right now."

" Why not take your chances with the authorities? " she asks next. " Telling them your side of what happened? "

"It's our word against theirs, and they have the photos."

" You both have friends on your side that will corroborate your story. And given they've dealt with this Bowser before, why wouldn't they believe this? "

"Because it's not Bowser who got hurt. It's Wario, who no one knew until Mario hired him." Luigi replies. "And Mario is hell-bent on staying put and fighting, not running away or taking our chances in prison. This way, we just have to hold out until one of them lets their guard down. And that's not even the worst part, Ma."

When she says nothing, Luigi says, "You and I both know Mario's sweet on Peach, and it's just a matter of time before they both admit how they feel. This was supposed to be their wedding, with me as the best man, in Peach's throne room!"

" Your brother adores her, doesn't he? "

"Tell me he's right." Luigi begs. "Ma, please tell me that my brother is just looking out for me like he always has, and everything's going to be okay."

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