The Bad Batch

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I'm trying something new and will be writing this from first person, but if it's bad let me know.

Tw: Sexual innuendos, violence, gore, self-doubt, language

We're starting off strong eh?

I don't know how it always ends up like this, I just write and put the warnings after.


I grinned at Rex as we ran, noticing how his forehead wrinkled when he scowled at me. I turned my head to look at Echo on my other side also glaring at me.

"What's wrong?" I innocently asked, huffing heavily.

They didn't reply, too busy trying to beat me, even though they'd never been able to so far. I had motivation and drive. They also did, but I knew that if they beat me, I'd suffer.

"Ha!" I cheered. "I win!"

"How do you do that?" Echo grumbled as he stood behind me in line for the food stand.

"Training," I grinned, stretching a bit to ease the soreness for tomorrow.

"I was an ARC trooper!" Echo pouted. "I should be able to keep up!"

Rex rolled his eyes and put more weight on one leg. "I was a captain and I couldn't keep up. Stop complaining Echo."

"I'm not complaining!" Echo argued. "I'm just trying to figure out how she does it! She gets first pick of the food every day because she beats us here!"

"Sounds like complaining to me," I patted his head. "Relax Echo, I'll tell you how I do it if it's really bothering you that much."

Echo nodded. "Yes please."

"When you two run, you're so used to having blasters in your hands that you make fists when you run. I hold my flat, pointing the direction I'm running," I curled my fingers and straightened them to demonstrate. "It's called being aerodynamic."

"I'll beat you tomorrow," Echo confidently said.

"'ere ya go," Po'tor said as she handed me a basket of mufins. "Enjoy eh?"

"Thank you Po'tor," I respectfully said. "I'm sure I'll love it."

I sat down on a bench nearby and waited for Echo and Rex to get their food. I rummaged through the basket and found my favourite: Chocolate. I grabbed it to eat first.

Echo and Rex plopped down next to me and they ate their servings as well, chatting about how much Echo had snored last night. My comm beeped and I wiped my hands on my pants to check it.

"It's Saw," I frowned. "Should I answer?"

"Probably," Rex's lips thinned. "It might be important."

"Hello. This is Mercy," I used my code name to be safe, as there could be enemy ears around Saw's location.

"Greetings Mercy. This is Bubbles, who still hates his code name," Came Saw's voice.

"Amita chose it," Echo chimed in.

"Shut up Echo," I flicked his nose. "What's up Saw?"

"I know it's your vacation, but we got a distress call from our base on Endor," Saw sighed. "You're the closest to it."

I looked to Rex, the unofficial leader, who nodded. "We'll do it."

"Great!" Saw happily said. "We don't know who sent it, but they sent it to our secure network. They must be a rebel."

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