The living ghost

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I'm sure you all know this already, but in case you don't, the main character in a story doesn't have to be the hero.


Tw: Violence, extreme angst, betrayal of friends.


The room was pitch black, and the door had been locked behind us. We had been trying to find some rebels, and had been told to come to this building. It was on the edge of a farming village on some planet that I hadn't bothered to remember the name of.

"Fan out!" Hunter ordered, holding his blaster steady.

I reluctantly nodded, silently walking down the halls. Wrecker walked by my left, exchanging a look with Crosshair.

"Amita," Crosshair whispered, "feel anything?"

I tilted my head, but I could only feel my squad mates' emotions.

"No one else is in the room," I whispered back.

"I could've told you that," Hunter grumbled. 

I rolled my eyes, and continued squinting in the darkness. We slowly walked forward, keeping our weapons ready.

"Come out with your hands up!" Hunter commanded, even though we both knew no one was there.

I felt a burst of surprise come from my right.

I glanced to the side, expecting to see Tech, but no one was there.

"Tech?" I cautiously called out. "Where'd you go?"

A flash of shock to my right, before it flickered into nothingness.

I whipped my head around, and saw Wrecker was slumped on the ground, unconscious.

"Wrecker?" Crosshair nudged him with the toe of his shoe, to no response.

"We're surrounded," Hunter said, alarm shooting through him as he clearly sensed something.

"How many?" Crosshair urgently asked.

Hunter closed his eyes for a moment. "Three."

"I can feel the flurry of their emotions now," I nodded, confirming what he had said. "They must've been too far away."

I saw a glimpse of blonde hair out the window before a blue ray hit Crosshair's back, sending him sprawling to the ground.

"Amita, did you set us up?" Hunter furiously rounded on me.

"What? You destroyed my comm!" I angrily said. "How would I have done this?"

"You could've- Amita! Behind you!" Hunter's eyes widened as his gaze slid to something behind me.

A shot rang through the room, and my body went numb as a blue light engulfed me.

"Amita! Amita wake up!" A voice hissed, as someone shook me.

"Rex? Echo?" I said in surprise as I opened my eyes. "What are you doing here?"

"We went against Ahsoka's wishes and are rescuing you," Echo told me, giving me a bright smile. "But we need to hurry before they all wake up. We would've killed them but... we were told not to."

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