The animal dilemma

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It's finally time to find out why I asked you that question the chapter called "The first trip" and I have a feeling you'll enjoy it.

Any predictions?

Also, Tech is a total nerd.

It's a fact.

Tw: Panic attacks, feelings of abandonment, self-doubt


I was roughly shaken awake and before I could even open my eyes, I was being yelled at.

"I told you to get back to the ship! What are you doing lying outside it?" Hunter demanded.

"Did- I escaped didn't I?" I rubbed at my head. "I thought I escaped."

"Escaped?" Wrecker repeated at looked at Hunter in confusion.

"What happened, Amita?" Hunter asked.

"I don't know," I said with tears coming to my eyes.

I had been so close to getting out.

Why did they leave me?

What happened?

"You don't know?" Crosshair scowled. "How do you not know how you ended up asleep outside the ship?"

"I don't know, I don't know!" I shouted and clawed at my hair, taking ragged breaths.

I had been so close to leaving this horrible place filled with horrible people.

And then I somehow ended up back here.

"They nearly got me out!" I curled into myself and cried.

I thought Rex and Echo cared.

But they kept coming so close to saving me, then pulling the rug out from below my feet.

And Ahsoka, she... did something. I couldn't remember what it was, but she did something that ended up with me back here.

"Amita calm down!" Hunter looked helplessly at Crosshair, who shrugged.

"They left me again!" I sobbed, the tears rolling down my face.

"Who left you?" Wrecker softly asked as he crouched next to me.

"I thought they cared!" I wailed. "They called me vod!"

"Vod?" Tech asked in surprise. "As in brother or sister?"

My mind was a whirlwind of emotions. Why did they keep doing this? Did they not actually care about me?

Was it because I wasn't actually their sister?

Did they keep holding my freedom right in front of my face, then taking it away, just because I wasn't their sister?

"Amita, tell us what happened," Hunter ordered.

"Rex and Echo were so close! I was at their ship!" I rocked myself back and forth. "Then all of a sudden I'm waking up to your stupid face screaming at me!"

"Rex and Echo?" Hunter said. "Those rebels that tried to rescue you?"

"The ones at the other end of her comm," Tech clarified.

"Amita, we left you your comm so we could eavesdrop on your conversations with the rebels. And now I can see that it's becoming a problem," Hunter sighed. "Hand it over."

I sniffled and took it from my boot, placing it in his waiting hand. He eyed it for a second before crushing it under the heel of his shoe.

"I hate you guys," I weakly said, not having the energy to fight anymore.

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