The prologue

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Hello there.

Amita escaped from the grasp of the empire, because she was never chipped.

She wasn't a clone of Jango Fett, but she was still a soldier for the Republic.

She was never chipped because the Kaminoans thought they'd have to kill her as an infant, but she pulled through all the difficulties that came with her enhancement. She learned to live with her abilities.

She was the only member of her batch to pull through, but she was never lonely.

She had Echo and Fives.

Those two were her best friends.

Then Fives died, and order 66 came.

Then she escaped with Echo and his friend Rex, and they joined a rebellion together. With their knowledge of clone battle tactic, they helped defend against the clone that now served the empire.

Then Rex, Echo, and her were sent on a mission, and that's when things took a turn.

She met a group of clones who were chipped, and she learned their mission objective that day.

Capture her.

Hello my dear friends!

This won the votes rather then the Ahsoka story, so here we go!

I will be working on making longer chapters for this story, so there might be longer periods between chapters.

That said, if I go a month or more without updating this, I've probably forgotten about this story, and feel free to remind me or ask for an update.

I won't get mad and I'll most likely be grateful that you reminded me.

And Idk yet if this will will have elements of romance or what. I'll figure it out when I get to it.

Amita might choose between them like a love triangle or whatever, she might not be interested in romance, she might only like one of them, or she might date Ahsoka instead, Idk yet.

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