Forty-Six: Bonded

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It seemed almost impossible to separate Midnight and Evan, especially since the men in question refused to leave each other's presence

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It seemed almost impossible to separate Midnight and Evan, especially since the men in question refused to leave each other's presence. Midnight was the only thing helping Evan keep his humanity, and Evan was the thin thread that kept Midnight from snapping and breaking. They were both fully aware that they would need to go different ways, at least for a few days but to them, it would be an eternity until the void of their hearts could be filled. They spent the majority of their time lost in each other, seemingly becoming one person. When Luna spoke with Midnight the next day, Evan was with him in his office. In the end, there wasn't much he could do aside from asking Kara and Ezmodeus to investigate and see if they could use their demonic powers to catch something that the others couldn't.

Funeral arrangements were made for the deceased Alexaviers, they had all unanimously decided that they would be burned on a pyre, and each respective clan would do with the ashes as they pleased. The pyres were built quickly, a few hundred feet away from the Manor, and they were near a cliff where the fire wouldn't catch onto the trees. All the Alexaviers were present, dressed in all black as they watched Akantha light the pyres with a heart ridden with guilt. The young witch blamed herself for the deaths of her family; if she had known about Midnight's plan and hadn't picked up the phone when Satanael called, then they wouldn't be where they were now. Midnight had spent a few hours in the office alone with Akantha, one of the few rare moments where he and Evan decided it was best if the cousins spoke alone. The young witch had walked out, her eyes swollen and her cheeks bright red, but she didn't look as remorseful as she had been when she was called in. Evan had then slipped in once Akantha had left and saw the truth; out of them all, Midnight harbored the most guilt, and it tore him apart. The wolf couldn't decide what was worse, Midnight crying or the empty look on his face as he descended into a dark sinkhole that consumed him in penitence. He held himself accountable for his uncle's actions; it was his responsibility to protect the family, and not only had he gotten the spear stolen, but the betrayal cut deep enough that it touched death.

Unfortunately, there wasn't much Evan could do to help Midnight except be there for him and help him to the surface when he drowned. The healing process would take time, yet the blonde knew they would prevail, the Alexaviers clan had survived too much to give up now. Evan wanted to suggest therapy, there was no doubt in his mind that there were therapists out there who knew about the supernatural world and could help people with issues such as these, but he felt it was too soon.

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