Twenty-Three: Ethelinda's Clan

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Nova followed the witch as silently as humanly possible, staying hidden in the shadows in the hopes that she hadn't been seen

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Nova followed the witch as silently as humanly possible, staying hidden in the shadows in the hopes that she hadn't been seen. Ever since that day in the library, the peculiar woman had invaded her thoughts without the probability of any remedy to undo it. She hadn't texted Evan since, and oddly he hadn't sent her any messages either. It should have meant something to her, but she had been too preoccupied reading the strange books and trying to find out more information about Tempest Alexavier.

Unfortunately, she hadn't uncovered much but after running a background check on her Nova had discovered that Tempest had not only been native to Veniko but she had lived here for a few years before moving around a lot. Her mother's name was Corvina Alexavier who died almost two years ago in a supposed 'hunting accident' which sounded suspicious enough as it was. Her father was Jedrek Storm and still living. Her birthday was November 1 (meaning she just turned twenty last month), and she was the elder of Midnight Alexavier, which confirmed her theory that they were indeed related. So Corvina had died in some mysterious hunting accident that made Midnight leave his sister and father behind. That was as far as her knowledge went on the matter. It drove her insane not knowing the whole truth or what happened, but she had to be patient.

Tempest strutted inside of a swarthy quaint spice shop in a part of town Nova hadn't even known existed. She waited a few minutes before entering as quietly as she could, keeping her hood up and face down as she feigned to browse the items on the nearest shelf. The tall woman was speaking with someone behind the counter in a foreign language she didn't recognize. They obviously knew each other, considering how at ease their postures were and the way they talked smoothly without any apparent hesitation or hostility. The older woman nodded before walking towards the back of the shop. The store wasn't crowded, only less than four people in it grabbing jars of herbs or trinkets off the shelves with the intent of purchasing the products.

Nova scanned some of the vials and jars, trying to determine what kind of products were sold. Some items she recognized like rosemary, sage, thyme. She raised a brow at one named thorn apple. Grabbing it, she scanned the green plant before reading the small label on the back written in cursive.

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