Three: Into The Forest

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Sex and alcohol were all that was currently on his mind as he drove up to his family's vacation home

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Sex and alcohol were all that was currently on his mind as he drove up to his family's vacation home. It had formerly been a humble hotel lodge, but the owner sold it off to Evan's father when they started having financial issues. His father had done a bit of remodeling so that they could store their camping and fishing gear. He even let some of his close friends rent it out to him. Profitable business, in his opinion. Like Kane had said, it didn't snow much, but the further north he drove, the thicker the snow and the colder the temperature seemed to get. His original plan was to have the party at his house, but he didn't want to make Miss Sanchez and all the other workers at his place clean up after him.

Nova was sitting next to him, talking on the phone with her girlfriends. Evan didn't pay attention much due to how uneven the road was due to the weather. It was bad enough for her not to pester him with any questions, such as what he had been doing after school.

The memory of Midnight's threatening smile and deadly gray eyes were still fresh in his memory. Now that he was away from the goth, his mind seemed to function more adequately. His main thought was how he had gotten those scars. He knew then to have asked, but he couldn't help but notice how deep they were. Some were older than other scars from what he could tell, which told him that he was attacked throughout a time. It could have probably have been a result of child abuse, which would explain why he would be living with his aunt now. Yet, for some odd reason, that explanation didn't sit well with him. Maybe he was looking too deep into it, possibly he wasn't, but it didn't matter. All he knew was that their tutoring sessions would be awkward as hell from now on.

The sun was quickly setting, and the sky was turning a bruised purple with a tint of gray. Surprisingly the clouds were vanishing, but the wind seemed to only augment vigor; it would be a bitter night. Just as long as it didn't snow, they would be fine as long as they stayed inside. The trees on either side of them grew taller and thicker, the road got rockier, but everyone who lived in Veniko was equipped with snow tires. Through the corner of his eyes, he saw Nova shiver and turned the heater up, making her smile.

"We'll be there in ten minutes or so. Kane and some of the guys are already there." Evan said.

"Alright. It's fucking cold outside though, they've turned the heater on, right?"

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