Thirty-Five: Magical Bonds

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Belize was a beautiful country with breathtaking beaches, and that was where the blonde woman currently was

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Belize was a beautiful country with breathtaking beaches, and that was where the blonde woman currently was. Sitting on the back patio of the beach house she resided in, enjoying the cool evening breeze as the sun began to set over the horizon, painting the sky in warm-toned colors that bruised as the night made its presence known.

Katherine Rue was a beautiful and powerful woman; she had endured countless hardships, mainly from her husband's family, who hadn't been so fond of her when Alexander had informed them that she would be his wife. She knew it because they thought she was a gold-digger and that she only wanted to marry into the family for the money, which was indeed the truth but, obviously, Katherine wasn't going to admit to it, she wasn't a fool. Alexander, Evan's father, had been young and ridiculously rich, meaning that Katherine would never have to worry financially, nor would her child if she were ever forced to carry one to term. She could care less if he was unfaithful to her, and in time he didn't care that she slept with her entire security team or his brother. It hadn't always been like that, once upon a time, Katherine would have made an effort to keep her husband from infidelity, but in the end, it was entirely pointless.

Any normal couple would have gotten a divorce a long time ago, but the Rue family refused to partake in any scandal involving legal separation, and Katherine was intelligent enough to simply ask her husband for more money whenever she caught him explicitly cheating on her. If she hadn't known any better, she would have accused him of doing it on purpose just to get a reaction out of her.

Honestly, if she received a phone call from someone to inform her that her husband had passed, she wouldn't have cried; the woman highly doubted she'd even have a reaction. There was very little she cared about, Katherine was a very self-aware woman, and one of the main things she recognized about herself was her narcissism and indifference toward others. She could count on one hand the number of people she cared about and on the top of the list was her only child, Evander Rue, who was the spitting image of his father. Katherine had no desire to be a mother, to have to put her body through a pregnancy and then give birth to the child to not be able to raise it.

She remembered Viggó Úlfhéðinn's words the day he found out she was pregnant and with a boy, the sorrow in his light gray eyes when he informed her that she would have to give the baby up for adoption, and the fury that made her blood boil as she told him that her child would grow up knowing his birth mother's name. He had tried reasoning with her, telling her of the dangers the child would face if she were to raise it, and they argued for a long time on the matter until they came to the accord that Evan would be raised by a full-time nanny. Katherine wouldn't be able to interact with him as much as she would like, but at least she would get to see him from time to time. It devastated her, having to let someone else care for her child and not being able to see him grow up; it was one of the main reasons why she didn't want to have any offspring.

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