Twelve: The Full Moon

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Current Time: 0800 Hrs 🌑 Time Until Full Moon: 16 Hrs 🌕

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Current Time: 0800 Hrs 🌑
Time Until Full Moon: 16 Hrs 🌕

"Is the werewolf secure?" Luna raised a thin and elegant eyebrow at her nephew, who was in the kitchen preparing the fresh slabs of meat he had acquired. "I would rather not have to hunt down and dispose of your little pet."

She often articulated bluntly and with precision, finding no need to dance around her conversational companion in a battle of pretty words with hidden meanings and innuendos that could be misinterpreted if not careful. It was one of her many bewitching qualities one could say if they dared discourse of her in such an uncouth fashion not taking into account any of her physical attributes. The witch was not much shorter than he was, standing at five feet and eight inches of height, which not only made her appearance intimidating but also difficult to overlook. She was just as pale as he was, if not even paler, with piercing blue eyes that were particularly prevalent among her side of the family. Her long straight black hair reached an inch below her elbows, framing her thin structure well. Her features were delicate, regal in some instances as if she carried some sovereign on her shoulders that compelled her to resemble as such. Not that any being in any world could constrain Luna Alexavier into doing something she did not desire.

Midnight stopped his movements to glance at his aunt through the dark curtains of his hair, raising an eyebrow at her in return. "Are you questioning my ability to keep a single werewolf from breaking out of the magical silver-bar dungeon that you yourself help design, create and even produce with your very own magic?"

Luna scoffed at his words as if they were the most preposterous thing her ears had ever been graced with, "Don't say ludicrous things when you are very well cognizant of my meaning. I know better than to dispute your expertise to supervise a single werewolf just as you apprehend that I am a woman of my word and they have significance behind them."

"If you claim to comprehend all these things as much as you say you do, then why threaten the werewolf when I am conscious of the consequences if he were to escape from his cellar?" Midnight went back to preparing the slabs of meat until he was satisfied hyper aware of the glare his aunt was throwing in his direction.

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