Thirty: Merry Christmas

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It was Christmas eve day, and because of that, Midnight had decided to stay in bed with Evan, much to the werewolf's joy

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It was Christmas eve day, and because of that, Midnight had decided to stay in bed with Evan, much to the werewolf's joy. He hadn't seen much of the goth since he had been dealing with the whole Zoraida situation along with the decorations. Since Luna, Magena and Midnight had both been consoling the sisters, it had set them back at the schedule they had settled on. In the end, Andraste ended up showing up to stay with Bane while Magena stayed with Dionisia, while Midnight and Luna did what they had to do. Both girls had given their father the silent treatment which no one could fault them for, and it seemed even Federico hadn't quite forgiven his lover. As promised, he had gotten Midnight all the documentation he needed right on time and even presented the goth with his signed contract. Zoraida was still pretty confused about hers, but she didn't seem opposed to it, and various times they had seen her walking around, reading it with a frown on her face. The adoption scandal had been the new hottest topic among the family, the little fiasco Midnight had done was long forgotten. Evan hadn't officially been introduced to the infamous Zoraida, and Midnight had instructed him not to go near her until the contract was signed.

"Do you think she'll sign it?" Evan asked, his head laid on Midnight's chest as they cuddled in the darkness of the bed.

"Yeah, I do, and Davorin's daughters are not going to be happy when she does. He's going to have a hard time earning their forgiveness after this." Midnight said as he played with Evan's hair. "I'm more worried about how Zoraida will react when she finds out the truth. I don't need her thinking that she's invincible now just because she's related to a primarily supernatural, werewolf hunting family."

"Do you think she'll want to become a hunter?" Evan looked up, a flicker of worry in his eyes.

"If she does, she'll have to learn that certain werewolves are off-limits. If Zoraida even goes near Andraste with a gun, Bane will rip her apart. Hopefully, she won't, and I won't have to have that conversation with her." The goth pressed a small kiss to Evan's forehead, and any previous fear was driven away by contentment.

Evan changed the topic since that seemed to be the only thing the ex-hunter was hearing about lately. "Do you want to open your present tonight or tomorrow morning?"

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